International projects source: SICRIS

European Physical activity Label for Schools

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  22384  PhD Gregor Starc  Sport  Head  2018 - 2019 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0587  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport  Ljubljana  1627040 
The European Physical Activity Label for Schools (E-PALS) project is aimed at establishing a European physical activity label for schools which would first and foremost ensure schools the opportunity to compare and evaluate their sport and physical activity related programs and practices to other schools’ in other EU countries in order to be able to fully utilize possibilities to provide space, time and opportunities for students to be physically active. With the help of an objective compare and evaluation tool the map of physical activity in European schools will be drawn up. Summarising our vision, by creating and developing a European network under one label we engage schools and children around the continent to be more active. Schools that are seeking for recognition and reward, would be motivated to be awarded during the evaluation in the label system, which would result in better and more sport and physical activity programs. The objective of the project will be reached therefore through the contribution to increased participation of pupils in physical activity programs in European Union member states.The European physical activity label will focus on three different dimensions and should involve indicators from three neighbouring fields (hereinafter also referred to as “dimensions”):1. physical education in schools (seen as an educational course and part of the curriculum), from the quality P.E. perspective;2. extracurricular physical activity programs with focus on health-enhancing physical activity – hereinafter: HEPA - organised in or by the schools or pupils themselves3. school sport (competitive and non-competitive sport activities and events in or between schools)During the project, an online self-assessment tool will be developed to be able to measure the above indicators and to guide schools to comply with the label criteria. In line with the above,the programme aims to raise awareness towars the values and qualities of sport-minded schools.
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