Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

The role of bilingual education in creating platforms for the implementation of institutional bilingualism in the ethnically mixed region of Prekmurje

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.11.01  Social sciences  Ethnic studies  Ethnic studies - social science aspect 

Code Science Field
S000  Social sciences   

Code Science Field
5.04  Social Sciences  Sociology 
bilingual education, institutional bilingualism, ethnically mixed area, Prekmurje region, Hungarian language, functional bilingualism
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (6)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  19547  PhD Anna Kollath  Linguistics  Researcher  2018 - 2020  432 
2.  18129  PhD Attila Kovacs  Historiography  Researcher  2018 - 2020  571 
3.  15882  PhD Mojca Medvešek  Sociology  Head  2018 - 2020  224 
4.  11852  PhD Katalin Munda-Hirnoek  Ethnology  Researcher  2018 - 2020  498 
5.  01970  PhD Sonja Novak-Lukanović  Linguistics  Researcher  2018 - 2020  517 
6.  21046  PhD Jutka Rudaš  Literary sciences  Researcher  2018 - 2020  229 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0507  Institute for Ethnic Studies  Ljubljana  5051517000  4,280 
2.  2565  University of Maribor Faculty of Arts  Maribor  5089638050  32,505 
Apart from Slovene Hungarian too is the official language in the ethnically mixed region of Prekmurje. Formally and legally conditions are provided for institutional bilingualism in all spheres of life, based on functional bilingualism of majority and minority members. Consequently, members of Hungarian community can use their mother tongue to communicate in formal and informal speaking situations, in and outside a group. The primary condition for implementation of so conceived bilingualism is an adequate model of bilingual education. Assurance of quality bilingual education anticipates continuous monitoring of the implementation of educational, linguistic and socialization goals and effects in the social sphere. The bilingual education model, used in the Prekmurje, is a two-way model of preservation of two languages, its typical feature being that both languages have the status of the language of instruction and subject. Both the languages are equal in class communication, outside of class and in school activities at oral and written level. In this way the school upgrades bilingualism, which in Prekmurje is a yearlong life experience of inhabitants, thus setting the basis for the implementation of institutional bilingualism. Normative regulation of minority languages protection and implementation of institutional bilingualism is at the high level in Slovenia, which is agreed by both – minority representatives and external observers. Nevertheless, there are problems in the implementation of legal provisions in practice, and according to minority representatives, the gap between normative regulation and practical implementation is increasing with years. According to the Hungarian self-managing ethnic community few bodies and institutions actually, operate in the Hungarian. They believe that a great part of officials – although they comply with the formal condition of command of Hungarian – do not speak Hungarian well enough to deal with procedures in this language. The research study carried out by the Institute of Ethnic Studies amongst the population of chosen settlements of the ethnically mixed region showed a different use of individual language outside the home; it depends on concrete language situations and factors like formal/informal use, written/oral communication and individual collocutor. It turned out that in language situations where contacts are less formal and communication mostly oral, respondents usually use both languages. In settings with more formal and professional contacts requiring written communication too, the Slovene language is used mostly. According to the study, it is members of the Hungarian ethnic community that usually adapt, along with those of double (Slovene and Hungarian) ethnic affiliation; there is rather less language adapting on the part of Slovene community members. The answers of respondents regarding use of the Slovene and Hungarian language at workplace showed that inhabitants of the ethnically mixed region have sufficient command of both languages for informal oral communication, while their command of Hungarian is insufficient in the use of written, more complex formal and particularly professional language, which is why Slovenian is preferred. Hungarian ethnic community member does not use Slovenian because he would not be allowed to use his mother tongue, but above all for an easier approach to collocutor. For implementation and maintenance of institutional bilingualism, apart from formal and legal regulation of minority language use, continuous generating of positive standpoints is necessary, along with an adequate attitude of inhabitants of the ethnically mixed region towards the Hungarian language, and adequate language competence of Hungarian amongst inhabitants. The proposed research study will focus on finding the role of the educational system in creating platforms for implementation of bilingualism in the ethnically mixed region of Prekmurje. Two goals will be pursued: 1
Significance for science
Empirical data collected within project will contribute to creation of bases of relevant primary data, and consequently to theoretical production in the field of ethnic and minority studies, which allows for progress and testing of research hypotheses, for progress and upgrading of methodology and theoretical models. The project group (as evident from its composition including different profiles like linguist, pedagogue, ethnologist, sociologist and historian) follows the current trends of research in the field of ethnic studies, promoting interdisciplinary approach, which is only appropriate with regard to the complexity of the dealt with phenomena. The research results will contribute new findings to each of the participating sciences or scientific disciplines. The project team consists of experts who are members of the minority (the Hungarian minority in Slovenia and the Slovenian minorities in Hungary), experts who are members of the majority, and experts who were socialized and educated in Hungary. Such a diversity of the project team allows the study of bilingual education and institutional bilingualism from different perspectives, which will result in a high level of objectivity.
Significance for the country
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, proficiency in only one language is not enough for economic, societal, and educational success. Global interdependence and mass communication often require the ability to function in more than one language. Multilingualism is becoming key to efficient cooperation in society; it is closely linked to labour market, especially with common European market, which demands free flow of capital, products and manpower. Language and culture play specific role within these dynamics. In Prekmurje where the minority language is also the language of the neighbouring state, command of minority or neighbouring language has special value, being important in cross-border business contacts and in participation in the neighbouring state's business sphere. Language command and knowledge of the culture of other provides for easier flow of labour force, as well as chances of employment in other settings, which in turn contributes to the improvement of the socio-economic status of individual and entire society (Čok 2009, 16). By implementation of bilingual business also economic and other subjects will be able to use the Hungarian language in a way that will make added value to products and services, or for differentiation on market not just locally but also in wider terms (regionally, cross-border).
Most important scientific results Final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2018, final report
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