International projects source: SICRIS

Izboljšanje dostopa do zdravstvenih storitev preko krepitve čezmejnega sodelovanja institucij na področju zdravstva (+Health)

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2429  University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics  Celje  5089638049 
In the +Health project there will be addressed two common CB challenges; the first one is insufficient health care services in small and poorly accessible cities and villages and the other one is existing great differences in quality of health care and social protection services in the CB area. The +Health project overall objective is strengthening of partnership between public bodies and stakeholders in health care system in order to commonly develop new CB procedures and unique certifying of institutions. Expected change is decrease of regional inequality of urban-rural division in availability of services and quality of health care services and consequently increase of life quality in the CB area. Main outputs of the project are: - Institutions of project partners and other institutions which are involved in cross-border cooperation structure - Cross-border centre of excellence +Health, that will sign cooperation agreement (33 institutions); - Persons representing institutions and stakeholders from the programme area with improved skills and competences in CB service delivery (290 persons). The benefits of the projects main outputs will have from inhabitants/tourists to local and regional public participants and finally to creators of policies on the national level. Within the project there will be developed and promoted distinguishing common CB health destination +Health with common network of experts – centre of excellence and new cross-border models of management and CB procedures, besides this there will also be defined quality standards for health destination and the certifying of participants will be implemented. In order to resolve common challenges, the +Health project will use bottom-up approach, and there will be in practice tested latest IT technologies - telemedicine, simulations, IT applications, innovative educational methods, exchange of resources, knowledge and experience between partners.
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