International projects source: SICRIS

Smart production and services solutions

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0585  University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business  Maribor  5089638001  23,442 
COMMON CHALLENGE of the project is aimed at increasing the territorial competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, which is the main generator of R & D activities, innovation, growth and employment, as companies are more and more facing the increased pressure from low-cost economies on one and with highly innovative and advanced supply chains from more competitive and developed economies on the other side. GENERAL OBJECTIVE focuses on the database enlargement of innovation-oriented production SMEs in the program area in the field of joint technological specialization and consistent with the orientation of smart specialization strategies, particularly in the area of??“smart factories" where the main OUTPUTS tied to investments in technological and non-technological Innovation in at least 50 cross-border SMEs and results as establishing: 15 projects of a quality system, 15 projects of lean manufacturing, 5 projects of setting up a system efficiency and min 10 of new products or technology transfers, and min 5 of new technology companies. PROJECT INNOVATIVENESS is reflected in the common way of solving the challenges with an interdisciplinary approach (certification of production processes, human resource management, use of advanced technologies and tools),the inter-regional cooperation (Eastern Slovenia, Western Slovenia, Styria, Burgenland and Carinthia) and cross-sectoral integration (mechatronics, ICT, energy, etc.) to increase innovation capacity and the level of competitiveness of these enterprises in the global marketplace. The project will include TWO APPROACHES: the first "top down", based on national measures in the framework of which will be linked companies and sought their interregional synergy effects and based on a "bottom up", which It will be based on market opportunities each interregional group companies.
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