International projects source: SICRIS

E-RESPLAN Innovative Educational Tools for Energy Planning

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2735  University of Maribor, Faculty of energy technology  Krško  5089638052  3,549 
E-RESPLAN is a Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, aiming at providing young professional and experts with innovative tools in order to reinforce their interdisciplinar skills in the field of energy planning, RES development and spatial planning. Architecture and planning traditions are often not well-integrated with the recent development of new technologies in the energy field. And, on the opposite, the experts in energy and RES development do often not have skills to properly integrate new plants in urban contexts and in cultural and ecological valuable landscapes. The integration among these competencies is more and more required, especially considering the relevance of integrated tools and strategies, at European, national and local scales, as in the case of SEAPs – Sustainable Energy Action Plans, in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors. The starting point is twofold: on the one side, the project will address the issue of integrated planning and energy planning, which is central in local, national and EU strategies; on the other side, it will address the need of specific and interdisciplinary educational tools and activities in this field. The project will deal with energy planning issues, RES technologies, landscape and environmental assessment, energy potential mapping and governance, in order to support young professionals and experts in developing competencies in cooperation with Higher Education Institutions and Local Energy Agencies, in order to qualify the work in public sector and to support the access to job market for newly graduated or close to graduation participants. The overall objective is to experiment new techniques of learning and teaching, through the use of Complex maps, ICT and Cloud tools, in order to encourage the sharing of knowledge and to develop collaborative training tools (http://cmap.ihmc.us/cmap-cloud/) in the above fields. The project will also aim at: - realising a new tool called Energy-CMap, an OER for the scientific and educational purposes of the project; - supporting the training of experts in energy and environmental planning through the definition of educational tools at academic levels (Concept Maps and OER); - contributing in the reinforcement of networks among planners, academics and enterprises operating in the field of RES; - development, with a view to increase labour market relevance of learning provisions and qualifications; - establishing a network among Mediterranean Universities with the aim of improving their educational capacities in the fields of RES development, energy and environmental planning, according to 2020 EU goals. During the project, partners will realise, test, evaluate and improved the Energy-CMaps, organised in 5 educational modules. Energy-CMaps will be tested through distance learning activities, involving professors and students, in the field of Architecture, Energy, Engineering, Geography. Participants will be also involved in intensive learning activities in order to verify and complete the acquired competencies. At least 100 learners will be involved in distance learning activities (OER) and (among them) 50 learners will take part in Intensive Study Programme, to test the acquired competencies in a real case study. 25 teachers will be involved in an Intensive Study Programme. The expected impacts for participants are an improvement in accessing job market thanks to acquired competencies, and also through the development of professional networks, especially with experts in energy planning and Municipalities; the development of horizontal professional network with other participants, at international level; the possibility to access the Concept Maps to update their skills and competencies. Teachers, professors and other educational professionals will improve their approach in using Concept Maps in normal educational activities, being also able to re-adapt the provided educational materials and to update them. They will also enlarge the ran
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