International projects source: SICRIS

ENOVA - Developing Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor Programs in European Research Area

Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  21889  PhD Roberto Biloslavo  Administrative and organisational sciences  Head  2014 - 2017  389 
2.  23078  PhD Anita Trnavčević  Educational studies  Researcher  2014 - 2017  280 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  7097  University of Primorska, Faculty of management  Koper  1810014002  12,630 
The main aim of this project is to develop a new course in module structure on "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management" which targets higher education students from different departments such faculties or departments of engineering, fine arts, and architecture who have career-plans as entrepreneurs. The duration of programme is 42 hours (14 weeks) which will be designed as one semester course. The course will be developed on a needs analysis report conducted in cooperation with university and business world. It is going to be tested through the organization of an Intensive Programme for 14 days (42 hours of workload). The partners of the project are; -3 universities; Yasar University (coordinator), University of Hohenheim (Germany), University of Primorska (Slovenia) who have been working on entrepreneurship and innovation management for years, - Barinplus (an Austrian company) -Aegean Exporters' Associations (Turkey) The target group of the project involves; - 20 students and 5 teachers from all partners who are from different study backgrounds. - At least 60 companies/enterprises from partner countries and 100 companies/enterprises from Turkey that will participate in the needs analysis survey (they are going to be informed about the results and the new course) The final beneficiaries of the project are the students from other departments at partner universities, the other HEIs and training centers that might develop the same or similar courses, companies and enterprises in the region which will benefit the more qualified graduates in the middle and long- term of the project as a result of the sustainable implementation of the course. The added value of the teaching will directly contribute to not only the objective of the project but also to the priority of the strategic partnership programme on "promoting the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences in education, training and youth work". Through the project, the learners will improve their knowledge, skills and competencies on entrepreneurship and innovation management. The new course will also bring another added value since it wişl be shared with the partners to disseminate the impact of the project and to ensure its sustainability. The main activities involves; developing and implementing a needs analysis survey, developing new course content and course materials, organizing an intensive programme, organizing a seminar, publishing an academic book, dissemination and evaluation activitiess The main outputs of the project are; -A new course on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, course material that is confirmed and validated by both business world and academia. -2 transnational meetings for debating the development of the new course and the materials. -A gap needs analysis report reflecting the needed qualifications in business world and offered qualifications of by the universities through the existing courses. - 2 weeks intensive programme/pilot trainings for pedagogical testing; mobility of 15 students and 5 teachers/experts, - Increased entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and competences of 20 students (including local YU participant students) through the teachings of international teachers and experts - Improved teaching skills and know-how transfer among the teachers - One final conference at Yasar University which is planned to be attended by 150 participants on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management education - One academic international book/publication on "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management” - Transfer of knowledge and skills between European institutions- not only institutions but also business world - Enriched new partnerships among HEIs and and business world, increased synergies between partners
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