International projects source: SICRIS


Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0552  University of Maribor  Maribor  5089638000 
The rationale behind the CLIOH-WORLD Erasmus Network is based on the findings of several previous projects. It forms an important new step in an overall strategy to increase the critical understanding -- on the part of European students and citizens in general -- of Europe's past, present and future and its role in the wider world. The underlying motive is to fight xenophobia at its base, encouraging an inclusive European citizenship by providing the necessary tools for learners of all ages.The goals of the preceding European History Network projects (CLIOH, CLIOHnet and CLIOHnet2) have been to improve the understanding of national histories as they are studied, taught and learned in higher education institutions in Europe. Emphasis has been on putting into contact and creating links between national historical narratives, preparing tools and materials to structure history programmes to make learners aware of how national historical viewpoints have been created, and how and why they may contrast with the beliefs and understandings of neighbouring countries. CLIOH-WORLD.net intends to use its consolidated experience and methodology to deal with further challenges: first, to develop learning and teaching of EU history itself, including European integration and expansion, and, second, to promote knowledge of the links with the histories of other continents as well. This two-pronged strategy represents, in our view, a necessary development of the work already carried out.The main products envisaged are plenary working meetings, meetings of smaller working groups, dissemination activities in all partner countries, development of links with European and World History associations in other continents, production and dissemination of Guidelines and Reference Points for Higher Education programmes in EU and World History, development and implementation of an EU History quality label based on Tuning-style competences and state of the art internal quality enhancement procedures, further development of the www.clioh.net website, production and dissemination of new materials for innovative history teaching and learning.CLIOH-WORLD will be well placed to disseminate its results in Europe and in other continents, giving students and teachers everywhere useful agreed guidelines and tools for implementing them.
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