International projects source: SICRIS

S1-L13 Lotus II

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0510  University of Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5085063 
To promote cooperation between the EU and the Asian countries involved in the project: the project is striving to gradually strengthen the structured long-term cooperation between all partners, which should result in a sustainable network. The project continues to offer the perfect opportunity to boost the exchange of know-how for curriculum development, new teaching methods, international relations and university management. To enable students to benefit from a study/research period abroad and thus to develop a pool from well-qualified, open-minded and internationally experienced young women/men as future leaders: the project aims to preserve the bridge that has been made between Europe and the Asian countries involved by offering opportunities to young people to come to the EU and build up contacts. To promote the regional cooperation in the Asian countries involved and to train a future generation of academics that foster a culture of sustainable development and durable growth and promote regional integration. Thus creating a mutual understanding between the countries in that region. To continue improving the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications: the project is focused on mobility and will give explicit attention to the promotion of recognition of studies systems. To contribute to provide good students from vulnerable groups equal chances and thus disseminating EU social and democratic values: 15% of the scholarships is reserved for students from vulnerable groups in the Asian countries involved (refugees, ethnic minorities, internally displaced populations, disabled students, economically disadvantaged students) To enhance the skills of staff, who can in their turn contribute to the improvement of the education system in their home country: 20% of the scholarships are reserved for staff exchange. Professors applying will have to argument how their stay will contribute to structural reforms in the Asian countries involved, and this will be evaluated. Experience from the Lotus project has shown that academic and administrative staff consider it an opportunity to gain a new experience, which can be implemented in their own work environment upon their return in their home country. To enhance in the medium term the political, cultural, educational and economical links between the EU and the Asian countries involved: this project contributes to improving mutual understanding between the EU and Asia, by enabling personal contacts and strengthening already existing relations.
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