International projects source: SICRIS


Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0510  University of Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5085063 
OPTIMALE addresses one of the key challenges of a multilingual and multicultural Europe: how to ensure that Its universities continue to produce the high-level professionals that the Community translation services and the translation Industry need, to adapt to rapidly changing societal and market conditions. As recent reports have highlighted, the rapid technological changes of the past decade, far from reducing the need for multilingual translation, have Increased It many-fold. However, translators and language service providers have moved Into a new era, where a combination of high productivity, speed and above all, guaranteed quality will provide the added value that machine translation systems alone cannot deliver. Advanced and Innovative translator education and training Is now being delivered at Master's Degree level by a growing number of higher education Institutions, but the highest standards of quality and professional relevance need to be maintained by all those offering advanced degrees In this area. Building on the groundwork recently established by the European Masters In Translation network, OPTIMALE alms to act as a vehicle and stimulus for Innovation and high quality In the training of professional translators In sixty-four universities across the EU and beyond. It will do this by producing an online map of current translator training In universities across Europe, from the Algarve to Saint-Petersburg; by working In close partnership with professional bodies In the Industry, notably the EUATC, to Identify emerging market and professional needs; by exploring specfic areas of translator competence and producing case studies of Innovative practice In these areas, leading to the deinition of shared standards or training and performance; and by Identifying transferable resources and by making them available, when appropriate, to members of the consortium. Finally, training of trainer sessions Implemented by experts In the field will enable academic staff from more recently established HE programmes to discover new approaches to the training of professional translators.
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