International projects source: SICRIS

Les jeunes Rhônalpins réalisent un stage en Europe pour favoriser leur insertion professionnelle.

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739  3,208 
This group application to Erasmus + borne and coordinated by the regional federation of MFR Rhône-Alpes counts 9 MFR from the region. They are the MFR of L’Arbresle, Saint Laurent de Chamousset and Chessy in the Rhône département, Saint Etienne and Montbrison in Loire, Montluel in Ain, Bonne, Thônes and Seyssel in Haute-Savoie. Since the first Leonardo Da Vinci project in 2004, the promoter has chosen a group application in order to harmonize the management and monitoring, to guarantee quality and results of each participant ‘s mobility. The main objectives of our application are the reinforcement of professionnal skills, the discovery of other cultures and the ability to embrace other cultures as well as an outward looking attitude. Then operational objectives aim at strengthening expertise and inter-personal skills in the following fields: - Significant improvement in the languages approach and in their learning. - The reinforcement of integration and adaptation skills by immersing partcipant in workplacement company and by taking part to its activities. - Acquisition of professionnal skills specific to business, to vocational curriculum, through activities determined beforehand by the partners. - Discovery of a European Union country and of its culture. - Development of autonomy and adaptability in order to take responsibility for themselves and gain selfconfidence. - As to the ability to embrace other cultures and tolerance, the MFR of Chessy gives a very interesting objective:” The young have a lot of a priori, especially concerning Eastern countries because they consider they are poor and dangerous. Taking them to meet these populations and immersing them in a different but close to ours way of life is a prior objective for us concerning life learning and openmindedness.” This exemple shows the necessity to provoke a deep change in our students’ representations whatever the hosting country is. In this project, our ambition is that 219 students can leave. They are all studying for a level 4 vocational qualification in many different fields such as trade, social and health care, landscape gardening… Most of them are from rural areas and aim to work and live in rural areas. They have no or very little previous experience of mobility abroad and we believe they will draw benefits from this stay for themselves and for their future employability. As to the project management, activities are shared between the promoter and the MFR involved. The promoter carries out promotion, administrative and financial management, technical support, quality control of the project and its dissemination thanks to 3 project leaders. Each MFR with its own project leader is in charge of the preparation, information, organization of the stay, of monitoring and supporting students abroad, of exploiting their work afterwards, validating their skills and disseminating the results. The steering committee is composed of the project leaders, the regional federation director, the directors of each MFR. The technical committee is composed of the project managers and of each project leaders. They organize, plan and supervise every stage of the program by organizing many meetings or phone conferences. The results and impact can take a variety of forms on a short or longer term. First, we expect the widening of professional skills of the beneficiaries. This experience will allow them to discover and put into practice different working methods, to improve their language comprehension, especially oral comprehension, to become aware of the necessity of speaking another language in order to be able to exchange and communicate. It will also allo
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