International projects source: SICRIS

People with learning disabilities in the Labour Market

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  7603  Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5966604000 
People with learning disabilities encounter some difficulties in their employment process. Our project focuses on sharing knowledge and experience between partners on how to measure the capabilities of people with learning disabilities for employment. There are some national legislations for employment of disables that addresses disability in a broad range. For instance in some countries employers have to guarantee a percentage of employees with disabilities, despite this these legislations the important thing is that to be able to evaluate their skills and recommend an appropriate job or a training program for them. To decide on this matter we must evaluate the skills of people with learning disabilities who wants to be employed. One question arose: How can their skills be evaluated?We want to share knowledge and experience about the assessment techniques in participant countries. The project concerns how to discover the existing knowledge base of this target. We will improve a test technique and create tests for them. The target group of this test will be people with learning disabilities who want to have vocational education and to be employed. The findings of this partnership have a positive impact to improve the employability of target in participant countries where there is no official assessment within this context.Each partner will translate the assessment technique to its own language and disseminate in its own country to public authorties, NGO’s, media and job centers.The Project will be evaluated by an evaluation team consisting of one psychologist, one measurement expert and one disability expert. This team will be created by partners in the first meeting of the Project and they will write an evaluation report. www.skillassessment.ceipes.org
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