International projects source: SICRIS

Mobility Makes Us Proffessionals III

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739  3,208 
According to current mobility project, 79 students and 24 employees from Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus will participate in mobilities abroad. Students will make an apprenticeship period at foreign companies or at school practice places and employees will practice or job-shadow the colleagues in partner organizations.The main aims of the project (in accordance with the international strategy of Pärnumaa Kutehariduskeskus):1. Develop, deepen and determine the professional skills, competences and knowledge of the participants through the mobilities; ensure the accordance of the qualifications and knowledge with the labor market needs;2. Determine the theoretical knowledge and skills to practice through practical tasks and works;3. Support the development of 8 key competences, social skills and improvement on personal skills among the participants through the mobilities;4. Support the professional skills of the workers and teachers - so they are more motivated and can give education that meets the students and labor market needs. 4. Grow the work- and learning motivation of the participants and improve their attractiveness at labor market.5. Ensure the high-quality of studies at hosting and sending partner through applying the mobility experience of the staff in practice.6. To promote the conformation of VET in European levelThe aims of the project are directly linked with the development plans and priorities of Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus and the present problems in vocational education. As said before the aims are also linked with the international strategy of Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus that says that by the year 2020 our mobilities should be 130 students and 50 teachers. So step by step we are moving towards our aim. The participants of current project will be carefully chosen according to each one individual training needs. Activities of mobility project will grow the learning motivation of the students, enable the precious experience of gaining new professional skills and knowledge abroad, develop the social skills, team work and independent work skills, grow initiative and self-confident. The mobilities are efficient tool to enable the foreign language skills improvement. The apprenticeship period done at enterprises will recognized as practice, set in the school curricula by using ECVET principles. The mobilities of the employees will be recognized as official employee practice outside the school. All mobility learning outcomes are set according to the individual training needs of the participants.The project team includes professional teachers, leaders of the vocational fields and management members, the aim of their work is to ensure the high quality mobilities. Project managers and project coordinator searched for the most appropriate partner institutions according to the set learning outcomes and signed the co-operation agreements. The aims of the mobilities, learning outcomes and timing are agreed with all of the partners and documented with letters of intent and memorandum of understanding. The learning outcomes of each mobilities are set in the memorandum of understandings. The learning outcomes will be negotiated once again before the mobilities, including the receiving enterprise in order to ensure its fulfillment. The project will give the measure of International co-operation and gives an opportunity to improve the International co-operation field. The school will be a part of International practice network. The internationalization is the priority of Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus, set also in development plans and in the international strategy for 2020.
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