International projects source: SICRIS

TEchnologies for young ENtrepreneurs

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2711  International School for Social and Business Studies  Celje  2213818 
As recommended by the European Commission into the “Entrepreneurship2020 Action Plan”, national strategies already adopted for promoting among young people the development of entrepreneurship competences are still not enough in order to revolutionise the culture of entrepreneurship and create a more supportive environment for entrepreneurs to grow and thrive. Nowadays, during the ongoing crisis all over the Europe, entrepreneurship represents a great opportunity of employment, especially for younger generation.To facilitate the development of their entrepreneurial skills and culture, it’s necessary to elaborate and promote new effective entrepreneurial learning methodologies and tools that exploit languages and means of communication most used by young people.The project aims to understand how ICT could contribute to the development of new and innovative tools sharing best practise currently adopted in the 8 countries involved.Representatives of 9 different type of organizations working in the education, training or entrepreneurial sector coming from all over the Europe took part to the project activities in order to ensure the achievement of the scheduled results.Partners collected data about the current diffusion of entrepreneurship culture; they defined a common model for analyzing current ICT tools and didactic materials used in their working areas for promoting the development of entrepreneurial skills. They collected, through a questionnaire, opinions of different target about existing ICT tools and features of an ideal one. They will discuss about possible improvements for each tool, trying to identify the best and innovative practices. A final report (in English, digital version) includes all main project results. All products are freely available in the website dedicated to the project.
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