International projects source: SICRIS

Development of higher education and society by creating a collaborative environment in the field of arts and media through regional student partnership in production of audio/video content

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0681  University of Ljubljana, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television  Ljubljana  1626892 
Student Audio Video Production (Acronym: StudAVP)This project primarily targeted students of media and art studies and their need to participate in professional production and also to present their work to the public, tending to influence society more.StudAVP project went through very intensive three years of implementation. In general:•In the first year the students from PC produced audio/video works based on propositions of announced Open Call 2014. Student production teams were created from different PC institutions, working on one project.•In the second year, our media partners defined the Open Call 2015 requests for projects according to their programme needs. TV professionals selected and mentored the students in ‘real’ production. Students were demanded to act, create and behave like professionals. They learned to work and cooperate in professional environment, gaining valuable experience.•The third year’s main objective was to establish and develop a long lasting Internet platform for future cooperation. Also, in Open Call 2016 one student’s proposal was selected for production. Students often create quality work but they are not able to show and promote it through relevant public media. During their study, they practice in media companies only occasionally. “Practice is different from the theory”, this is the main conclusion when they get in the position to work in the media. This project was designed in a way to improve students’ connection to “real life” - practice in professional media environment, mainly television and radio. As a result of this improvement the educational process was changing, it is becoming more functional and usable.The project has established new ways of communication and possibilities for young students and alumni, to help them learn and gain more practical experience and present themselves and their work to media companies as their potential future employers.Our media partners were actively involved in the project implementation, not just as a public dissemination channel but as the seeker of TV programmes as well. They posted for students the Open Call for specific TV programmes, and then TV professionals made selection and worked as mentors with the students on the development of the production.An important goal of this project was regional cooperation. How to connect students and institutions of the Western Balkan region, which was politically so stressful in the recent history? How to regain confidence and to start new cooperation? How to work and create artistic values together? Many questions, doubts and fears. But, we were very successful! All partners, students, professors did their best to participate and contribute to the project implementation. We learned about each other and from each other. We made artistic works together. We developed professional relationships that will produce new projects and cooperation. It was very rewarding to see students from Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina making films together, which have been broadcast over public TV media in all three partner countries.We developed a specific Internet web portal “MyArtVision.net” to become the central point of any future cooperation of the students of arts and media. Students and all interested parties can present their works, look for jobs in media, look for production cooperates, watch and listen to video and audio content and contact respectable professors in the domain of art and media in the region. “Virtual Art University” module is the next step in developing the free area of art education, with on line mentorship program.The achieved results are:•Institutional cooperation trough the production of students’ works - Three Open Calls organized and 340 students’ applications arrived. 30 audio-video works produced, which is close to 10 hours of programme. 500 students were involved in the production, which took place in 3 countries and 9 cities in the WB region. Students’ mobility involved, for the pur
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