International projects source: SICRIS

S1-L10-JoinEU-SEE-Scholarship scheme for academic exchange between EU and Western Balkan countries (ALBANIA, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, FYROM, KOSOVO, MONTENEGRO, SERBIA)

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0552  University of Maribor  Maribor  5089638000  476 
The exchange programme developed by the consortium composed of the above mentioned partners offers a wide choice of thematic study fields and provides opportunities for undergraduates, masters, doctorates, post-doctorates and staff to obtain further qualifications in their specific academic fields.The consortium selects the scholars to be granted a scholarship in the context of the programme from the three target groups according to their academic performance, their personal motivation, their level of language skills, their socio-economic status, and their commitment to contribute to the academic network of the consortium and to prevent brain drain from their home countries in order to guarantee the academic quality of this programme. Additionally, a balanced allocation of scholarships according to gender will be guaranteed, and the JoinEU-SEE consortium is committed to doing justice to social equity and to set proactive measures to encourage socially and economically disadvantaged people. Participants will have the possibility to benefit from the programme for a shorter period of six months resp. one month for academic and administrative staff up to the opportunity to complete a full master or doctorate study programme. Upon completion of their study period within JoinEU-SEE, the alumni will contribute to the objectives of the programme.The institutional cooperation which was built up between the consortium partners within the EMECW JoinEU-SEE project in the course of the last months will serve as a solid foundation for any activities relating to the implementation, management and administrative coordination of JoinEU-SEE as an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Partnership. This strong cooperation network will be strengthened within in the framework of the JoinEU-SEE Erasmus Mundus Action 2 partnership and will function as a launching pad for further sustainable cooperation of the partners in the areas of internationalization in general and mobility in particular.Mobility periods granted to students and staff within the JoinEU-SEE programme increases the academic competences, language skills, social and intercultural competences of scholars participating in the programme. The experiences made within the EMECW JoinEU-SEE project have already clearly shown, that this international experience will not only increase the scholars' open mindedness and global competitiveness on the labour market, but also develops and strengthens the higher education teaching and learning capacity in a sophisticated and sustainable way. The internationalisation of the Higher Education Area in the Third-countries through incoming and outgoing mobility of students, researchers and teachers increases the attractiveness of the location, thus helps preventing brain drain and consequently leads to a high standard of higher education teaching and learning.
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