International projects source: SICRIS

Strengthening higher education in the sphere of Finance in Siberia and Far East of Russia

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  05824  PhD Samo Bobek  Economics  Head  2013 - 2016  1,593 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0585  University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business  Maribor  5089638001  23,442 
Objectives (as indicated in the project proposal)• To modernize higher education in Finance on Master-level in the remote Russian regions Siberia and the Far East• To reform existing master curricula in Finance at five Russian HEI in the remote regions Siberia and Far East in accordance with EU educational standards to increase the convergence of these master programmes in Finance with labour market demands reformed curricula• To enhance the international orientation of these master programmes through five new double degree programmes between EU and Russian HEIs in line with the Bologna process• To improve the quality of these master programmes through measures such as teacher training and updating of course contentsOutcomes- Review of current study programmes- Curricula reform and arrangements for Double Degree master programmes- Implementation of reformed master programmes and new DD programmes- Quality assurance- Dissemination- Exploitation and Sustainability- ManagementActivities- Review and reform of status quo and the need for reform of master curricula in Finance at Russian HEI- Negotiation of bilateral agreements on Double Degrees between EU and Russian HEI of the consortium.- Update courses contents and develop new courses in Finance based on the specifications developed- Three sets of training for teachers from Russian HEI- Piloting of modernized Master curricula in Finance at the Russian HEIAchieved resultsThe Master programmes in Finance at five Russian HEI in the remote regions Siberia and Far East were reformed in accordance with EU educational standards. In addition five new double degree programmes between EU HEIs and Russian HEIs were established in line with the Bologna process. The implementation of the following programmes started in in September 2015:1. Master programme in Finance, Banking and Investment in Khabarovsk at Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law (KSAEL) - double degree with Technical University of Kosice (TUKE).2. Master programme in Banking and Finance in Irkutsk at Baikal State University (BSU) - double degree with University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna (UAS bfi Vienna).3. Master programme in Finance/Financial management in Chita at Zabaikalskiy State University (ZabSU) - double degree with Umea University - Umea School of Business and Economics (USBE)4. Master programme in Banking management in Ulan-Ude at East Siberia State University of Technology and Management (ESSUTM) - double degree with University of Maribor (UM)5. Master programme in Finance in Tomsk at National Research Tomsk State University (TSU) - double degree with University of Coimbra (UC)Future developmentsThe developed programmes continue to be implemented after the formal project end.
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