International projects source: SICRIS

European Masters in Drug and Alcohol Studies

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  04575  PhD Vitold Flaker  Criminology and social work  Head  2007 - 2010  766 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0591  University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Social Work  Ljubljana  1627147  10,407 
The use and misuse of drugs and alcohol has become a major concern for most European governments and has strengthened the call for a European approach as well as national responses to tackling the problems. There has been a considerable expansion of research and data gathering in many countries and European level action plans and strategies have been produced. But there are few opportunities for students and teachers to participate in research and policy outside their own country; comparative European research is an under-developed area and existing master’s programmes do not adopt a European perspective as a focus of the subject coverage. Aim: to develop a high quality European master’s programme relevant to the needs of policy makers and practitioners, and of students and researchers working in, associated with, or preparing to enter, the field of alcohol and drug use/ misuse/ addiction. Objectives: to provide a) core modules and a range of options suited to the target groups, b) opportunities for exchange placements and visits for students and staff; intensive study periods; the development of, and participation in, joint research; participation in e-learning; and to establish procedures and mechanisms to facilitate exchange between staff and students at participating institutions. A longer term objective is to provide a base for additional countries to link into the programme. The target groups are a range of professionals (e.g. medical, social welfare, criminal justice, policy), students preparing to enter the professions, researchers wanting a higher degree in this subject area. Outputs: a European Masters programme, a co-ordinated network of colleagues in EU countries, shared web site and e-learning facilities, and structured opportunities to build cross-national, collaborative work for staff and students. Impact: The masters programme will increase the number of students and staff participating in learning programmes and research with a European focus, increase student mobility, and contribute to greater collaboration in policy and practice responses to substance misuse and addiction.
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