International projects source: SICRIS

Co-creating a learning society; from improvement to innovation in adult education

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3278  IEDC - Bled School of management, Postgraduate Studies  Bled  1695479 
The consortium represents the European network around strength based change (referred to as the European network or just network) and seeks to strengthen the work already carried out in this network, as well as ensuring the dissemination and exploitation of the learning and development beyond the network - specifically aiming at adult education.Through two conferences with at least 35 experienced practitioners best practices will be discussed, methods shared and linked to theoretical approaches. Alongside with these conferences, three educational teams will work in close cooperation, focusing on collecting the outcomes of the conferences and creating each their product to disseminate and exploit the results of the conferences:1. Digital Learning Environment team (DLET): An internet based platform enabling richer, deeper and more productive communication and learning within and beyond the network, e.g. through an online database with best practices, consultation space, etc.2. Editorial team (EDT): Collecting the tools and methods used by the practitioners and writing them into a tool kit in English, clearly focussing on adult educators. 3. Course outline team (COT): Developing course outlines which will be used for different purposes:- Developing course outlines for international and national (exploitation) workshops- Developing course outlines of at least 5 different IST coursesIn order to exploit these results a workshop for at least 45 adult educators from at least 16 different countries will be carried out and followed by 16 national workshops of 1-2 days for educational staff. Furthermore, partners will provide IST courses after the project.As the network consists of over 500 people working with adult education, the impact will be wide. These people will gain new knowledge, insight, and capacities and be empowered to take the methods further in their work in the adult education field and will pass on tools to other adult educators.
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