International projects source: SICRIS

Vers un Master Européen en Sécurité Urbaine

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1604  University of Maribor, Faculty of health sciences  Maribor  5089638016  7,144 
The inspiration behind this project are the issues of security and crime prevention that are coming more and more prevalent in the management of public affairs, in view of their high priority for the citizens of the EU. (Eurostat Survey of February 2007). At all levels of governance these security concerns have led to the creation of new types of jobs. A common job profile of ‘safety/prevention coordinator’ has appeared in local authorities and private companies throughout Europe. The people working in these areas come from many different walks of life and training backgrounds. This post necessarily requires a multidisciplinary and cross-cutting approach to crime prevention. The intrinsic characteristics of these professions demand recourse to many different disciplines.The project aims to create course materials that are both inclusive and interdisciplinary to ensure consistence between different subjects and components, accessible at ‘Master’ level. Furthermore, although practitioners must adapt to local situations that are by their very definition unique, they do share a Europe-wide core business. While a European prevention coordinator profile is developing, training must move onto a European level to respond to the real expectations of the labour market and those of the practitioners concerned. The final results will therefore comprise a common curriculum for the partner universities, a common outline for internships abroad to provide a better link between the academic setting and the world of work and enhance mobility across Europe, and a study on the arrangements for implementing the mobility of students, teaching staff and practitioners within such a Master. There are initial plans to conduct a feasibility study for a joint qualification, followed at a later stage by a European diploma in urban security. Internet and multimedia-based teaching tools will be the favoured methods for distance learning of the course contents and will also facilitate assessment. Practitioners will especially be able to make remote contributions to the course. This programme will initially benefit the five partner universities involved in the project, and therefore indirectly benefit the students and teaching staff working there, but other European universities also aim to join the consortium over time. This will furthermore benefit local and regional authorities, and other current and potential employers, which will be able to draw on a qualified workforce that is better trained in the many different aspects of urban security and their European dimension.
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