International projects source: SICRIS

Back to nature

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2735  University of Maribor, Faculty of energy technology  Krško  5089638052  3,549 
YOUTH EXCHANGE: Back to Nature During this youth exchange participants from the age between 18-25 from the Netherlands, Slovenia , Estonia , Former Yugaslavia (Serbia), Turkey will collaborate together to create a small community within 9 days, from 3th of august to 11th of august. In this community participants will set own rules and values for living. They will learn about durable and sustainable living and recycle. They will use natural recourses to nurture and provide for basic needs, by doing different workshops. Such as making a fire and filtering water to drinking water. Learning where and what food is made of. Back to basic. Doing so by learning from different cultures as an influence to understand different ways of living. It will create tolerance and more open view of other neighboring countries in Europe. Creating an open mind for participants from these European countries. All of these experiences will be recorded on camera en edited to a short movie/documentary/mockumentery, made as a message to send out in the virtual world. So it can go viral. If you pay it forward and share, everybody will receive this message.
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