International projects source: SICRIS

Quo vadis, studente? Do Evropy, na zkušenou!

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3019  Grm Novo mesto - center biotehnike in turizma (Slovene)  Novo mesto  5089107  846 
College and Secondary School of Veterinary, Agriculture and Nursing in Trebic offers studies in the fields of Veterinary, Agribusiness, Nursing Assistant and Registered Nurse. In recent years, our school has experienced a decrease in the interest of pupils and students (the pupils) in vocational training, while the number of accepted applicants has decreased and the number of pupils with special educational needs, pupils from disadvantaged social background and early school leavers has increased. The project Quo Vadis, Student? To Europe, to Get Experienced! will be implemented in the period 08/2017 until 07/2019 on 4 partner schools and 2 enterprises in Germany, Belgium, Slovenia and the Slovak Republic. The project builds on previous cooperation in international internships in the years 2014-2016. The project will realize 22 cycles which will be attended by 64 consenting pupils of all fields of study of our school. The general objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness and further improving the quality of education at our school, motivation of pupils including pupils with special educational needs and pupils from socially disadvantaged background to vocational training and to facilitate the entry of graduates into the labor market. The specific objectives are the expansion and improvement of key, professional and language skills of our pupils identified and evaluated using ECVET system, which directly lead to an increase in their use and competitiveness in the European labor market and quickly adapt to changing work environments. The internships participants will be more independent and gain intercultural and international outlook, will be inspired by the functioning nursing and agriculture abroad and receive a certificate of practice (Europass Mobility). Our school will strengthen cooperation with foreign partners and will help to improve teaching by providing internships. Graduates of the internships will be very good sign and an important reference for school presentation and increased interest in the school by prospective pupils and future employers of the pupils.
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