International projects source: SICRIS

Naturi WAB - working abroad

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3019  Grm Novo mesto - center biotehnike in turizma (Slovene)  Novo mesto  5089107  846 
Naturi-network consists of 6 vocational colleges which offers vocational education and training in natural resources and the Environment sector. This network has had effective and significant cooperation since 2005 e.g. 6 mobility projects for students and experts. Good practices and common international network are developed and disseminated in these projects. Naturi WAB –working abroad –project is based on this long and effective cooperation. Experiences and analysis of earlier projects have indicated that preparation for students before leaving for on the job learning period abroad is very important for learning and achievements in that period. The aim of this project is to organize preparation and training together with all vocational colleges. New digital learning methods are piloted in preparation and also in guiding students abroad. The 2-4 students from other vocational colleges will go abroad in one vocational college or on-the-job-learning location. Students will get to know each other and vocational colleges will learn each other best practices and international networks. The project offers 66 mobilities for students in natural resources and the environment sector, duration 2-6 weeks. Most of the host organisations are present and well known partners but there will be some new host organisations too. These planned mobilities will be implemented from 1.9.2015 to 31.5.2017. Students’ vocational competence, language skills, cultural skills and key competences of life long learning will develop during these mobilities. Working life in natural resources and the environment sector requires these skills. Every student has personal learning goals which are defined as skills, competences and knowledge and the achievement of learning will be assessed abroad. New digital teaching methods and reporting will be used in guiding and assessing student’s learning on-the-job learning period together with teachers in home college and teacher/workplace instructor in host country. The project will support the using, comparing and disseminating good practices in ECVET in network organisations. National network will compare the good practices and international network will give practical feedback from ECVET and experiences in using it. Present partners can further develop ECVET in mobilities and new partners will undersign Memorandum of Understanding. Learning agreements will be used in planning students on-the-job-learning periods. All experiences, feedback and developing subjects will be disseminated during the project.
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