International projects source: SICRIS

Praktično usposabljanje dijakov in učiteljev Grm Novo mesto

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3019  Grm Novo mesto - center biotehnike in turizma (Slovene)  Novo mesto  5089107  846 
Grm Novo mesto, Centre of Biotechnics and Tourism implements educational programmes in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, nature conservation, food technology, catering and tourism. 884 students, who are taught by 90 teachers, attend secondary school. The Centre has been implementing utterly renewed and competence based educational programmes which have modular structure and enable greater selection and more job opportunities. A constituent part of the educational programme is on-the-job training which is carried out at the potential employer. As part of the project 10 students from different programmes and two accompanying teachers-mentors will receive practical training abroad. The chosen students attend three- , four- and five-year vocational programmes.As part of the elective and open curriculum the students in the target group have already chosen different modules, which enable them to reach a variety of professional standards. The participants will receive education and training in the fields of animal breeding and husbandry, forestry and hunting, horticulture, nature conservation and floristry. The partners in the project that will offer practical training areZespół Szkół Inżynierii Środowiska from Poland and Vyšší odborná škola a Střední škola veterinární, zemědělská a zdravotnická škola from the CzechRepublic.Practical training will be carried out at different times according to the training area. The participants will be offered language and pedagogical training as well as some cultural insights beforehand. During practical training the students will combine both theoretical and practical knowledge and use it in real working situations.The teachers on the other hand will get familiar with different educational systems and training as well as with new teaching methods which they will be able to compare with their own. All participants will also get to know other countries, their cultures and potential differences between them. They will get to know European projects and the values of the European Union. During practical training they will be using at least one foreign language and will definitely improve their language competence. After training the participants will receive Euro pass Mobility Certificates. That will enable them to be more recognizable and also more employable on both Slovenian and foreign labour markets. As part of the project our Centre will strengthen the connections with the partner schools and will continue with the on-the-job training (a combination of education and practical training).
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