International projects source: SICRIS

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1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739 
Teachers and staff mobility: The Vocational- and Continuing Education Faculty at AUI has started to put more effort in participating in international projects. To be ready to be involved in such activities , teachers need to get acquainted to new teaching methods and learn how other vocational schools developed their teaching methods and expand the horizon. One of the future aims at AUI is to increase the mobility of teachers and staff who work in the Vocational- and Continuing Education Faculty to give them the opportunity to enhance their skills as individuals, language skills and be more capable to assimilate new challenges and opportunities in relation with teaching. The result from this will be higher quality of the vocational program at AUI. The curriculum and course catalog is being reviewed and there is more pressure form the labor marked that AUI offers courses about training sheepdogs and beekeeping. Sheepdogs Association of Iceland and Bee Breeders Association already exist , but it lacks more education since these occupations that are growing very fast in Iceland. It was therefore decided to seek knowledge abroad and send a group to partner school in UK and get tailor made courses in these fields. The result will be an increased ability to prepare relevant courses at AUI both in the vocational programs and as a Continuing Education courses. These courses will be merged it the programs and will give ECVET. The next step will then hopefully be a series of courses in these fields similar to Granni Skógar and Rei?ma?urinn - but these are two programs that have been up and running at AUI and have given the people on the Labor market the opportunity to study along with full employment but still finish studies that give ECVETS that can be used in further education. Students mobility: Regarding the students in this project it is the future vision at AUI that students in all vocational programs have opportunities to take part of their vocational training abroad and increase their mobility. By applying now to send a group to Norway AUI is taking the first step in sending students this route . Students will get valuable opportunity to empower themselves personally, gaining more confidence , meet other cultures and are therefore it will be easier for them to work in with different cultural groups in the future. Work experience abroad will be valuable on the CV when it comes to applying for a work in the future or further studies at higher education institutions.
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