International projects source: SICRIS

coconstrUire la mobilité européeNne pour la formatIon prOfessioNnelle dans les MFR Auvergne Rhône Alpes

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739 
After the merging of the "Auvergne" and "Rhône Alpes" Regions on 1st January 2016, the regional federations of the "Maisons Familiales Rurales" Auvergne-Rhône Alpes decided to unite in June 2016 to set up an only entity on this huge territory. A Erasmus+ application form for VET learners and staff for training depending on the Ministry of Agriculture, has been made by a consortium composed of 22 "Maisons Familiales" from" Auvergne" and "Rhône Alpes", led by the Regional Federation of the "Maisons Familiales d' Auvergne".This project is the fruit of a co building and has for aim the development of mobility projects on a qualitative and quantitative way and the strengthening of the European standing within the "Maisons Familiales d'Auvergne Rhône Alpes".This project concerns 4 types of groups : 459 young people, from a rural origin for most of them, in "CAPA" - equivalent of National Vocational Qualification) or "Baccalauréat Professionnel" (equivalent of General National Vocational Qualification, intermediate) in different types of skills in agriculture : farm machinery, horse industry, social care , sale and shop management advice, landscape gardening, horticultural production ; aged 15 to 20, 13 staff members of the MFR, 18 board members and 3 tutors or internship supervisors.The aim is to reinforce the professional, linguistic, cultural and personal skills. Therefore, the young people will attend a 3 weeks internship and the adults a one week one in a European country. More precisely, the young people will strengthen their know-how, knowledge and know how to behave and improve their language skills. They will get an open view over intercultural life, and develop their self-confidence as regards their abilities in order to find a job easily.The purpose for the adult beneficiaries is to discover the educational, pedagogical and professional European realities ; reinforce the skills linked to transnational mobility project management, understand the issues of mobility for a young trainee.The beneficiaries are assessed at the end of the training period, trough several tools including theEuropass Mobility.To insure the success of the project, the involvement of all the participants and partners is essential at all the stages of the mobility.The applicant manages the technical follow up, financial and administrative part, the promotion, diffusion, enhancement and dissemination of the regional project. It controls the quality of the project from the beginning to the end.The pilot and technical committees are the interface between the regional federation and the MFR ; and attend to the good working of the mobility in all its stages.The MFR inform regularly the beneficiaries and their families, discuss about the internship activities with their partners, manage the logistical details. They organize the internship, and its follow-up in the receiving country. They prepare pedagogically, linguistically and culturally the beneficiaries' stay. Afterwards, the MFR operate, bring out, spread and disseminate the results of the internship.The spreading and the dissemination will be done during meetings and events through the press, websites, social networks, magazines and by different people (young people, families, board members, tutors, partners, French or European elected representatives).A project management methodology is applied to guarantee the success of the mobilities :- human means are provided regionally and locally (steering committee, technical committee, project managers and mobility advisors) ; the tasks are shared - working meetings are planned all the project duration long- collaboration and communication with the European partners is regularly made- a spreading and dissemination framework is set up- tools are created and/or sharedThe expected impacts on the participants are the reinforcement of the skills for a better professional integration (or professionalization) a better ability to undertake, learn others langu
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