International projects source: SICRIS

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Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739  3,208 
The project is a continuation of the successful cooperation of Zespol Szkol Ponadpodstawowych named by Wincenty Witos in Samostrzel and Biotehniški center Naklo in Slovenia, in which students of both schools took part in traineeships, increasing their skills and knowledge. 30 students of secondary schools in the Zespol Szkol Ponadpodstawowych named by Wincenty Witos in Samostrzel aged from 16 to 18 who study in veterinary technical school, agriculture technical school and landscape architecture technical school will take part in the project. The school is an institution situated in a countryside and therefore their students are in danger of educational exclusion due to their living place. The school tries to take measures to compensate their chances of obtaining education and experience which will allow them to increase their competitiveness on the local, national and European labor market. The project meets the expectations of employers, who are looking for educated workforce as well as students, who in the future will run their own farms. Moreover, additional beneficiaries are the teachers involved in the project, who are going to go with the students in the role of carers. They will be able to sustain acquired earlier international contacts and make new ones, as well as gain new knowledge of the methodology and techniques of teaching vocational subjects and foreign languages. The main objectives of the project: - Supporting school students in the acquisition and use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development, - Increasing the employability and participation in the European labor market, - Make vocational education and training at the facility more attractive, - To increase the competence of teachers working at the school, - Facilitate the mobility of working trainees. Thanks to the cultural and linguistic preparation young people will be able to learn the professional vocabulary in English connected with the project and to use it in daily contact. They will also learn the culture and customs of the region of Slovenia. The result of the internships will be knowledge and skills gained by the students allowing them for easier movement in the labor market and increasing employment opportunities.. Potential employers gain young professionals trained in specialized European Institutions.
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