International projects source: SICRIS

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Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739 
Project "With knowledge to a better tomorrow" is a project of a consortium of three Croatian agriculture,veterinary and hospitality schools. Schools that make up the consortium are Srednja škola Arboretum Opeka, Marčan, Srednja gospodarska škola in Križevci .and Srednja škola Petrinja. It is essential to establish consortium and the association of educational institutions and labor market needs at the national and international level in order to develop a common economy across the EU. Iti s also essential to establish such consirtuim and association if we want the quality of education to be satisfactory in all Member States. Foreign partners involved in this project and respond to the needs of improving the quality of vocational education are : Biotehnički center Naklo from Slovenia Kroatische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V. from Germany Zespół Szkół Ogrodniczych. im. S. Szumca w Bielsku-Białej from Poland Ocean Orchids d.o.o. iz Slovenia Terra MBO from Netherlands Associazione Culturale "Cultura e Dintorni" iz Italy The project objectives are defined on different levels: a personal students level, a personal teachers / teaching assistants level, the school level , the consortium and international level. On a personal level of students, teachers and staff goals set by this project are: acquiring and increasing professional, entrepreneurial, language and personal competencies . Sending institution will increase the quality of teaching and implementation of projects, better recognition of acquired skills and knowledge to participants by the school . At the consortium level: sending institutions will be conected better amongs themselves, national consortium will be established, and through examples of good practice other schools will be attracted to join the consortium. At the international level: international and intercultural connection and also connecting the education sector and the labor market, the internationalization of institutions involved in this project . The project consortium is intended for students of first, second, third and fourth grades of vocational education ( agricultural, veterinary and hospitality sector) in the academic yer 2017/18.. In total there will be 69 students and 9 vocational teachers, 7 teacher / assistant in teaching at vocational training included. When choosing a partner we were guided by the principle of quality, innovation, ecological principles and sustainable development, implementation of new technologies and expertise. Also partners were chosen and according to the wishes of students selected for professional practice as reported in the survey. Partners are carriers of knowledge in the technology of wine production and viticulture, greenhouse production, fruit growing, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine and cooking. Partner schools work together with private businesses as the engine of innovative activities and joint projects for the development the region. Professional and entrepreneurial competence lead to detailed knowledge and understanding of new technologies in manufacturing, knowledge of the business and the organization of the company, cooperative learning and team work, better work attitude, knowledge of the structure of vocational education abroad. Language competence lead to better cross-cultural communication and understanding of vocabulary and learning about the culture, lifestyle and customs of the host country, increasing independence and taking responsibility for their own learning. All this ultimately contributes to improving the quality of vocational education and raising the competence of future professionals as holders of the European economy, increases competitiveness and employability of students taking part in mobilities, and promotes the inclusion of a greater number o
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