International projects source: SICRIS

Un stage européen pour développer ses compétences et préparer son insertion professionnelle

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739 
Through this grouped application Erasmus + of the teaching and vocational training, the MFR Rhône- Alpes regional federation gathers twelve schools. They are the MFR of Seyssel, Bonne, Thônes (CFMM ), Cruseilles les Dronieres, Sallanches in the Haute-Savoie region, Eyzin-Pinet and Chatte in the Isere region; Chessy- les mines, L’Arbresle, Saint Laurent de Chamousset in the Rhône region, Montbrison in the Loire region and Montluel in the Ain region. Since 2004, this project has consecutively been the twelfth to be carried out and coordinated by the regional federation and is the most important further to a voluntarist policy to promote the european mobility that has been implemented for over ten years. In a context where the inward-looking attitude keeps increasing, the opening onto the world and towards others, interculturality, the strengthening of the professional, linguistic and personal skills constitute the aims of this project. Although every MFR has specifically defined its own aims, common objectives were upstream determined by the steering committee. They concern: -Significant improvements in language learning. -The strengthening of integration and adaptation capacities thanks to immersion work in a professional environment. -The development of professional skills specific to the enterprise, to the professional system of reference through carrying out activities determined beforehand by the partners. -The discovery of a country of the European Union and its culture. -The accession to autonomy and self-confidence, the capacity to take care of oneself and the development of adaptability. -Education in the opening-up to the world and towards others. Far from being innate, openness towards others requires a daily education that reaches its climax during the stay. Young people have a lot of prejudice, their judgment towards foreigners is often negative. Experience in immersion and meetings constitute an excellent means to perceive otherness that, despite differences, reveals more convergence and common grounds. The ambition of this project is to enable 351 students in vocational or technical high school to enjoy a three-week stay in a European country selected by their MFR. They are in fifth, sixth or final year of high school with the following options: Services to people and territories, Business studies, Horticultural production, technicians , sale in pet shop, management, administration, landscaping, farm management. They are between 16 and 20 years old, most of them coming from a rural background, they think of living and working in a rural environment. They have little or no experience of mobility abroad, consequently we are convinced that this stay will benefit them and their future employability. In the sectors: Service and Business, the proportion of female students is very important, it is the opposite in the other sectors. In methodological terms, project activities are managed by the promoter and the MFR involved and distributed between them. The promoter is in charge of promotion, of administrative and financial management, of the follow-up and technical support, of the quality control of the project and its dissemination. The steering committee made up of the 3 official representatives appointed by the promoter, of the director of the MFR regional federation ,of the directors of every MFR and the technical committee made up of the 3 representatives and of every project leader, plan and supervise all project stages. To do that, numerous meetings are planned. Then, after appointing a project leader, every MFR involved is responsible for preparing, informing students and their families, organizing the stays, for the follow-up and on-the-spot support, for determining training course work and the restitution work required, for the exploitation and valuation of the acquired skills and for
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