International projects source: SICRIS

Mednarodne Izkušnje za boljšo zaposljivost doma in v Evropi

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739 
At BC Naklo we are aware of the importance of internationalisation and exchange of experience in the international environment, because in this way we enable the flow of knowledge, exchange of best practices and information with the labor market that are valuable both on local and European level as well. At the Center we follow Internationalization Strategy of the Centre for the period 2015-2020, successfully in the last two years. With mobilities we want to learn about the work, ways of thinking and best practice abroad and compare and transfer them to our local environment - both individually and on the level of our Centre. With mobilities we want to continue to develop transnationality and European dimension as well as develop and maintain new and existing partnerships with various educational and business institutions in Europe. Mob. enable greater competitiveness of our students to those who attend mobility directly, as well as to those who benefit from internationalisation at home. International experience of teachers and experts who have participated in mobility, visits foreign teachers and students and other results of international projects which are implemented into curricula on every day level have a great effect on “internationalisation at home”. With project »MI v Evropi« we would like to achieve - increase of expertise and core competencies of students, improved personal development and understanding of other cultures; - increase of professional development of our employees, promoting integration and opening of the international environment; - increase of internationalisation at the level of Centre, to ensure openness to the environment, linking education and work, to develop complementary educational content and results of the European labor market. For the year 2017/2018, we are planning 47 mobility of 31 students and 21 employees. Student mobility will take place in the form of traineeships abroad. Students are hosted in the workplace or in schools. With the mob. of students want to increase the professional skills for better employability, as well as their core competencies. For our students to understand the concept of competencies we are going to connect this project to an internal school project about competencies. Students will carry out self-evaluation of competences before and after the mobility and thus asses the raise of competences that result from mobility. In most cases, mobility will be held for mixed groups of various educational programs of BC Naklo with the aim to enhance integration and interdisciplinarity of programmes. With students mobility we want to strengthen European values and increase understanding of foreign cultures but at the same time, we would like to strengthen their own identity. The mobility of teachers supports their professional and personal development in the field of education and training. Learning achievements of staff are adequately recognized and disseminated with practical use in the organization.
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