International projects source: SICRIS

Mednarodno učno okolje - spodbuda za razvoj kompetenc osebja v izobraževanju odraslih

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739 
Adult education is an area that is constantly evolving. New learning environments are being formed which make use of new technologies, approaches and methods of work. Tracking European guidelines in this area requires the adaptation of European education reference tools, intercultural cooperation and integration and a more modern, dynamic and professional environment. In order for Biotechnical Centre Naklo to provide a high standard of adult education, it is not enough just to have an adequate number and variety of staff profiles. We are aware that the quality of the learning process and the extent to which is achieves its purpose is primarily dependent on how well it is performed and how well the staff are trained in adult education. Owing to the variety of activities (content, design, conceptual) that form part of basic pedagogic processes (identifying educational needs, planning, organising, evaluating and assessing education, leadership and management, which are vital for the smooth running of adult education work), adult education staff differ in terms of their role/profile. At the same time, however adult education staff require training in order to keep up to speed with the latest knowledge and develop the professional competences needed to perform their work to a high standard. The recommendations of two studies were put forward on the basis of the needs identified in the adult education unit (Analysis of the situation/needs, 2014): a) the European reference framework of key competences for adult learning professionals (Research voor Beleid, 2010); b) the national study by the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education on the design of competences for adult education training (2012), and the characteristics of the various tasks/activities undertaken by adult education staff, through which we identified a range of competencies which we want to develop in the context of adult education units for adult education staff. Our aim for the mobility project "International learning environment – an incentive to develop the competences of adult education staff" is to meet the needs identified and pursue the following objectives. Project objectives: 1. To provide opportunities for adult education staff to be trained in structured courses abroad. 2. To systematically develop the key and professional competences, and the professional development of adult education staff. 3. To strengthen the capacity of the adult education unit. 4. To carry out activities in adult education units which are linked to the rest of the European space. 5. To implement the objectives defined in the European Development Plan Organization, thereby meeting the legitimate needs in the development of quality and an international perspective as well as the objectives of international cooperation. The main purpose of the mobility projects is to help adult education staff gain experience of an international learning environment, the exchange and acquisition of new knowledge abroad, the transfer of good practices and experience in working with adults with a view to providing more dynamic and better quality adult education work, and broadening the scope of adult education activities – even internationally. Expected impacts: - More carefully planned management of the professional development of adult education staff. - The opening up of the adult education unit to the international environment with a range of activities and international cooperation projects (partnerships, mobilities) – better integration into the European space. - The establishment of new contacts with adult education organizations abroad with a view to preparing and implementing joint projects, organizing j
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