International projects source: SICRIS

Krepimo sodelovanje z delodajalci in ustvarjamo nove priložnosti na področju poklicnega izobraževanja

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739 
The two main goals of the mobility are increasing professional and key competences of the participants as well as increasing the international profile of BC Naklo, mostly through linking with vocational schools and companies abroad. Through the mobility we are going to develop business skills in our students and teachers, and transfer into our institution innovative practices from companies abroad. Furthermore, we will link our vocational education and training with partner institutions abroad, develop and strengthen relationships with our partners and plan further cooperation. For all the mobilities, common goals and expected results can be outlined. These consist of mainly dissemination of know-how and good practices in the selected areas of professional expertise, becoming familiar with new forms of practical (skill development) courses of study, developing professional and personal competences, enhancing personal growth, gaining experience with project work, improving professional knowledge and skills, raising linguistic competences (supporting development of multilingualism), networking for long-term cooperation (partnership), increasing the transnational and European dimension. Such training opportunities are necessary for teachers due to the implementation of new and updated study programmes. These include new content modules with new modular methods of teaching which combine practical skills and theoretical knowledge and require cooperation with mentors at work placement companies. In the course of their study, students of vocational study programmes must acquire a wide enough range of professional competences which will enable them to be competitive in the labor market. This is exactly what the mobility project helps them towards. On the one hand, they will gain precious knowledge of their professional field and on the other their teachers will develop the know-how and competences which will help them to become better professionals and educators while boosting their personal growth. The teachers' new skills and experiences will, in turn, be transferred onto the students, colleagues and work placement mentors. The importance of active cooperation with companies and partners abroad cannot be overemphasized. They can offer practical training for teachers but also for secondary school and higher vocational college students. The project will thus enable us to develop the transnational and European dimension and establish long-term cooperation and partnership with partner organizations abroad. 30 students motivated to take part in the mobility project will be able to do so. The school will select them on the basis of their application. Partners have been chosen from all the fields of vocational training at our institution so that students from all courses of study will have equal opportunities to do their practical training abroad. Furthermore, 11 teachers who will apply for mobility through a call for applications will be able to take part in the project. 5 places are designated for teachers wishing to teach and shadow colleagues at our partner schools and 6 places are reserved for practical training of our teachers in companies. A school call for applications will be issued and participants will be selected on the basis of a set of criteria. Participants will receive all the necessary support from the project coordinator who will ensure the project is executed in accordance with the plan and the specified goals. Prior to their mobilities, all participants will receive cultural preparation and language instruction if applicable. Follow-up activities will include evaluation and dissemination
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