International projects source: SICRIS

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Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2979  Biotehnical Centre Naklo  Naklo  5088739 
The purpose of the project is to enable the mobility of school staff/employees in structured courses abroad to gain key and professional competencies. In this way are trained to use and integrate knowledge in complex situations and will be able to act effectively in different situations, circumstances at daily work and to improve their cooperation in international activities BC Naklo implement. Newly developed competencies can make successfully, more dynamic and high-quality performance in the world of work and social life and increase the employability of individuals. Needs analysis, which was conducted among employees in the year 2016 shows school staff set out the needs which aren’t linked strictly to their daily professional work. Employees are more are interesting in gaining key or transferable competencies in structural courses abroad. Employees aware that acquiring new knowledge and improving their competencies in order to better cope with changes, be more effective in their work and to contribute through BC Naklo’s activities to society in general. Based on identified needs project objectives and competencies were defined which we want to develop intentionally in structured courses abroad. Objectives of the project followed the strategic development of BC Naklo and n Strategy of internationalization. Main objectives of the project: 1. To systematically develop key and professional competencies of school staff in structured courses abroad and to improve the capacity of use of the English language. 2.To make new contacts with foreign teachers and experts in the field of education and other fields. 3. To get to now with new organizations, their work and foreign educational systems. 4. To exchange knowledge, best practices and experiences with individuals and organizations across Europe. Specific objectives of the project: 1. Acquisition of key competencies of school staff: -Improve the linguistic competence in a foreign language - English. Improving oral and written communication -Improve competencies of leadership, management, decision-making, organization of work and time -Improve communication competence and teamwork -Improve stress and conflict management 2. Acquisition of professional competencies in teaching and international cooperation: -Improving methods working with individuals with disabilities -Improving and gaining teaching methods, techniques and different styles of teaching and learning -Project management Expected effects of the project: -Improved key and professional competences will be integrated into our daily managerial / educational / professional work and, consequently, in all the activities of the Centre -Exchanged knowledge and best practices abroad will bring new experience and innovative knowledge in various fields BC Naklo working on. Participants of mobility will see how development and application of certain field develop. -Improved linguistic competence in a foreign language will help motivating employees to engage in international activities and the implementation of internationalization of BC Naklo. -New acquaintance with foreign teachers and other experts at structural courses in direct learning situations enabling the establishment of closer social contacts and in this way opens new possibilities for work on joint mobility projects or strategic partnerships - Getting to now with new organizations, their work and foreign educational systems enable the development of new educational contents, knowledge of the European dimension in education and practical training, recognition and validation of knowledge, the use of European reference tools for internati
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