International projects source: SICRIS

Promoting nature bay training nature interpreters

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3764  Centre for Health and Development Murska Sobota  Murska Sobota  2084210 
Around 35% of the Slovene territory is included in Natura 2000 sites and more than 12% of the territory belongs to nature protected areas. To protect the nature, people need to understand Processes in the neture and their part in those Processes. Nature interpretation is becoming an important way of learning offered to visitors of nature protected areas. In many parks, nature interpretation centres have been developed, which attract more visitors and contribute significantly to economic development of these areas. Nature interpretation is well developed in Austria and Germany. In Slovenia some initiatives exist and along with that, a strong need for related competence. The park personnel are usually experts in one specific field. The nature interpreter, however, needs to possess complex cross sectoral knowledge and appropriate interpretative skills to motivate the visitor to learn and offer him/her a meaningful experience. Practice in partner countries revealed additional training needs to be addressed, such as nature interpretation for people with special needs and healthy lifestyle promotion.7 Project partner from Slovenia, Austria and Germany will exchange knowledge and based on this knowledge provide an education programme and find ways to implement the Programs on the Regional and National level. Very important is to keep the Partnership ongoing and improve the education programmes constantly and add new special Themes.
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