International projects source: SICRIS

Certification of Welding Coordinators Related with LLP

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0209  Welding Institute  Ljubljana  5051398000  1,267 
Reasons:Spreading of the certification scheme to other countries is most certainly a joint interest of the European market. For its development and competitiveness, the Slovenian metal-working industry requires qualified personnel holding relevant international certificates. Regular schooling does not provide welding engineers, technologists and foremen; therefore, it is most important to promote systems of additional and lifelong learning and certification of knowledge at the international level.Aims and objectives:A basic aim of the project is to introduce, in Slovenia, an internationally recognized certification system for welding coordinators and lifelong education of personnel managing welding production. On the basis of Slovakian experience we wish to amend the system and add new contents encouraging lifelong learning in the field of welding engineering.Consortium: VUZ, Bratislava is a central Slovakian welding institute. It was among the first in Europe to introduce welding-coordination certification. As to the number of certificates issued, it is the second in Europe, right after Italy. The EWF associates members from 27 countries. It is engaged in the introduction of uniform systems of education and certification of welding personnel in Europe.Institut za varilstvo collaborates with almost all the firms in Slovenia that are to apply project results. It has also taken care of the development of welding engineering in Slovenia for more than 40 years. Outcomes:• Instructions, rules and operating procedures for the operation of the certification body, and implementation of the certification procedure• Workshop for personnel to perform certification• Information activities for potential participants in certification from Slovenia (articles in Varilna tehnika, information seminar).• Pilot seminar – Preparation for certification• Pilot certification of a group of welding coordinators from Slovenia• Recommendations for lifelong education of welding coordinators Impact:Slovenia will participate in the international certification system. The first certificates are to be issued in 2011. Certification will be continued to issue 250 certificates in the next five years. In Slovenia a system of lifelong learning of welding coordinators is to be established. Novelties and improvements shall be transferred into the area of Europe.
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