International projects source: SICRIS

Developing the skills of Organic Agriculture Trainers for the Balkans

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0552  University of Maribor  Maribor  5089638000  476 
Conventional agriculture production has been applied through heavy reliance on non-renewable resources (mechanization, fertilizers, pesticides etc.) resulting in numerous agricultural burdens such as soil degradation, water run-off, pollution, reduced biodiversity and landscape image, escalating production costs. Public awareness of the irreversible damage done to the environment has led to calls for a more responsible attitude towards our natural heritage.Against this background, Organic Agriculture (OA) has come to the fore as an agricultural approach that can not only produce safer products but is environmentally sound too. However, organic farming is still hampered by lack of clarity: both consumers and the agricultural professionals are not always sure what OA is, what are its benefits, which products are covered by OA, and which restriction Organic.Balkanet objectives:- Identifying and analysing targeted user requirements for training agricultural professionals in a number of EU countries (i.e. Slovenia and Bulgaria) on topics related to Organic Agriculture (OA).- Selecting and analysing innovative e-learning content that has been previously developed to support training needs in previous initiatives (the BIOAGRO eContent project, the Organic.Edunet project, etc.).- Integrating the e-learning content in a national and regional training systems and practices related to OA.- Adapting and enhancing the selected content in order to support the lifelong learning needs of agricultural professionals in the participating user organisations, through appropriately designed training scenarios.- To collect, categorize and publish in an online learning repository the transferred content from previous initiatives in the form of digital training objects.- To deploy a multilingual online environment that will facilitate end-users’ online search, retrieval, access and use of digital training objects in the online learning repository.- To design a number of training scenarios that will introduce the use of the transferred e-learning content to support training of agricultural professionals in the participating user organisations.- To carry out a set of focused pilot trials to validate the proposed training scenarios and the transferred e-learning content.- To promote the cooperation of stakeholders in this particular content area and support the sustainability of project results.P1 Coordinator, design of training programme, USAMVB-FA (Romania)P2 Technical partner, repository implementation, UAH (Spain)P3 Dissemination & Exploitation, GRNET (Greece)P4 Pilot trials design & user partner, University of Maribor (Slovenia)P5 User needs analysis & user partner, University of Rousse (Bulgaria)P6 User partner, Biomold Association (Romania)P7 User partner, AOANS (Slovenia)
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