International projects source: SICRIS

Robotics - Training for the new age

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  33096  PhD Toni Pustovrh  Political science  Head  2016 - 2018 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0582  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences  Ljubljana  1626957 
The overall aim of the Project is to use the motivational effects of robotics (including AI (Artificial Intelligence)) and 3D printing to excite students (particularly young people) about science and to develop programmes enable them to engage in the "New Age Technology” revolution.The specific aim of the Project will be to develop an introductory training programme, incorporating a combination of robotics competition activities and curriculum, designed to help teachers to teach programming skills to young people to enable them to gain knowledge and experience of these new technologies, including the use and application of 3D printing (which can be used to build the component parts of robots).The Project Partners will together develop a general robotics/3D printing curriculum that integrates the emerging computer science principles and concepts into the course. The focus being on developing entry-level curriculum (particularly for young people) to enable them to develop their skills and competencies to understand the principles of robotics and 3D printing and their widespread application in industry in order for them to access jobs in these new-age industrial sectors. Robotics is a fast developing market increasingly driven by the development of novel and improved products in areas as diverse as manufacturing, search and rescue and retrieval, inspection and monitoring, surgery and healthcare, homes and cars, transport and logistics, agriculture, and many more.The rapid increase in the use of robots in our homes and at work, in hospitals and industrial environments provides an inspiring vision about how they can benefit society as a whole and how priorities to stimulate robotics should be defined at this point in their evolution, to best develop the potential for growth, jobs and innovation in Europe.Europe is one of the world leading regions in industrial robotics with a share of more than 25% of supply and use. The growth of the sector is expected to be more 6 % per year in the next 3 years to reach more than 32 B dollars by 2016. Growth and job creation goes along with innovative scientific developments. Current focus includes science-based understanding of robotics abilities, alongside with improved technology and use-oriented innovation that is fit for purpose. It is estimated that each industrial robot needs at least 4 people to run, maintain and service it.Verbal reports from industry, as well as the presence of constant job openings, indicate industry is having difficulty finding software engineering talent to develop and maintain their software systems. This project will promote best practice and encourage the use of existing training materials, whilst at the same time developing appropriate Training Modules that are required, as identified by the Mapping Exercise. Around 300 people will benefit indirectly from the Project with around 250 direct beneficiaries e.g. attending the end of Project Workshop/Competition, those involved in the original Survey exercise and website registrations. The overall impact of the Project will be the direct promotion of appropriate "New Age Training" Courses - including robotics/3D printing - as a viable way of managing the growing needs of employers in the area of new age technologies.Considering short, medium and long term impacts, the Project aims at providing the opportunity to develop and foster the interest (particularly by young people) in “New Age Technologies” and offer the opportunity to training institutions to undertake appropriate introductory training with a view to assisting young people to secure employment in this fast developing highly skilled sector of the European economy.
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