Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Tromboza in tromboliza (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.06.00  Medical sciences  Cardiovascular system   

Code Science Field
B530  Biomedical sciences  Cardiovascular system 
B490  Biomedical sciences  Haematology, extracellular fluids 
anticoagulant treatment, antithrombin III, factor V, fibrinogen, fibrinolysis, hemostasis, mutation, polymorphism, protein C, protein S, risk factors, tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor, tissue plasminogen activator, venous thrombosis
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (35)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18392  Meaz Agič    Researcher  2000 - 2001 
2.  02929  Igor Bardorfer  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1996 - 2001  18 
3.  07630  PhD Aleš Blinc  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1996 - 2001  505 
4.  17728  Sonja Bogdanovič    Researcher  1996 - 2001 
5.  08799  Matija Cevc  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1999 - 2001  139 
6.  04756  Alenka Čeč-Laban  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1999 - 2001 
7.  17731  Sonja Česnik    Researcher  1996 - 2001 
8.  18393  Marjanca Čuk    Researcher  2000 - 2001  12 
9.  11685  PhD Zlatko Fras  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2000 - 2001  800 
10.  18395  Katja Janša-Trontelj    Researcher  2000 - 2001 
11.  18396  Milojka Javoršek    Researcher  1998 - 2001 
12.  00373  PhD Dušan Keber  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1999 - 2001  238 
13.  00365  PhD Irena Keber  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1996 - 2001  386 
14.  17734  Jelka Kos    Researcher  1999 - 2001 
15.  17729  Bojana Koščak    Researcher  1996 - 2001 
16.  05965  PhD Matija Kozak  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1999 - 2001  335 
17.  18394  Mihela Lenarčič    Researcher  1998 - 2001 
18.  18397  Anica Mencinger    Researcher  1998 - 2001 
19.  17732  Jana Mravlje    Researcher  1996 - 2001 
20.  18400  Jože Osolnik    Researcher  1998 - 2001 
21.  17724  Andreja Pavlovič    Researcher  1996 - 2001 
22.  02112  PhD Apolonija Peternel  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1996 - 2001  163 
23.  18399  Tinka Pevec    Researcher  1998 - 2001 
24.  04548  PhD Pavel Poredoš  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1999 - 2001  989 
25.  12541  PhD Barbara Salobir  Microbiology and immunology  Researcher  1996 - 2001  256 
26.  05034  PhD Mojca Stegnar  Cardiovascular system  Head  1999 - 2001  342 
27.  08094  PhD Mirza Šabovič  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1999 - 2001  427 
28.  17725  Marinka Tehovnik    Researcher  1999 - 2001 
29.  17730  Milka Urbanc    Researcher  1999 - 2001 
30.  17727  Milena Urbas    Researcher  1999 - 2001 
31.  17726  Brigita Valenčič    Researcher  1999 - 2001 
32.  05888  PhD Nina Vene-Klun  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1999 - 2001  171 
33.  03392  MSc Viktor Videčnik  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  1999 - 2001  103 
34.  18398  Vera Vižintin    Researcher  1998 - 2001 
35.  17733  Majda Zavec    Researcher  2000 - 2001 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0312  University Medical Centre Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5057272000  78,520 
Altered fibrinolysis, predominantly due to increased level of tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor and decreased release of plasminogen activators from the vascular wall increases risk for development of cardiovascular diseases. In the studies conducted during in 1998, the effect of various stimuli on the release of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) was investigated. It was observed that vazopresine analogue (DDAVP) is probably the only real stimulus for t-PA release. Increase in t-PA during physical activity is probably caused by decreased clearance of t-PA in the liver during exercise. Preliminary results on release of t-PA from the arterial wall suggest that t-PA might be release also from this part of the vasculature. Genetic factors, leading to alterations of haemostasis are important for the development of venous thromboembolism. Inherited defects of antithrombin III, protein C, protein S and coagulation factor V were studies in families of patients with venous trombosis. It was established that mutation in factor V gene is the most prevalent defect, since it was observed in 11/14 patients and in 12/23 of their close relatives. Antithrombin III defect was observed in 3/14 patients and in 3/11 of their relatives. Plasma fibrinogen concentration, which has an important role for the development of cardiovascular disease, is effected by environmental and genetic factors. Polymorphisms in the gene for alpha (TaqI polymorphism) and beta (HaeIII and BclI polymorphism) fibrinogen chains were studied in apparently healthy Slovenes. It was observed that the latter two polimorphisms affected plasma fibrinogen concentration only in non-smokers. It was presumed that in smokers other mechanisms of fibrinogen regulation prevail over genetic regulation. Population of patiens with antikoagulant tretament has considerably changed in the last years. Most prevalent are patients with chronic atrial fibrillation, aged over 65 years. The aim was to establish quality of anticoagulant treatment in the elderly patients. It was observed that patients needed lower dose of warfarin, did not bleed more frequently, and needed more time to get into optimal therapeutic range if they were over-anticoagulated.
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