International projects source: SICRIS

Economic Governance of the EU

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  09629  PhD Mojmir Mrak  Economics  Head  2015 - 2018 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0584  University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB)  Ljubljana  1626922 
The strategic objective of this Project is to engage the target audience – it mostly consists of domestic and foreign FELU students, but also others, including academia, professional public, and media – into the EU economic governance subject that has over the recent years become not only more important but also significantly more complex than it was prior to the crisis. In more operational terms, the Project has two specific objectives: (i) to strengthen significantly the quality and the profile of existing courses on economic policies EU by integrating into their curricula an entirely new module on the EU economic governance subject, and (ii) to contribute to better academic, professional public and media coverage of new challenges associated with the introduction of the highly complex new economic governance of the EU in Slovenia and in the EU candidate countries from the Western Balkan region. In order to address the above articulated objectives effectively, several sets of activities are being proposed. On the teaching side, the curriculum of the existing UL courses on EU economic policies will be broadened with a completely new module on EU economic governance. By introducing the module into the curriculum, UL will be the first institution of higher education in Slovenia that will address this newly developed EU topic in a systematic manner. In designing the module, the academic coordinator has relied heavily on teaching and research activities gathered through the FELU Jean Monnet Chair project expiring in August 2015. Among non-teaching activities, the Project proposes three sets of activities on EU economic governance: (i) organization of two specialized workshops in Ljubljana on this subject, (ii) a series of lectures on EU economic governance topic in two of the EU candidate countries in the Western Balkan region, and (ii) preparation and publication of a brochure providing a condense information on EU economic governance.
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