International projects source: SICRIS

Towards Control of Avian Coronaviruses: Strategies for Diagnosis, Surveillance and Vaccination

Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  23320  PhD Uroš Krapež  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  2013 - 2017  182 
2.  08023  PhD Olga Zorman Rojs  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  2013 - 2017  425 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0406  University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty  Ljubljana  1627139  10,676 
For several decades, poultry production worldwide has been struggling with severe diseases and huge economic losses caused by Avian Coronavirus (AvCoV) infections. Control of the disease is hampered by the variations within this virus family. As a result of its variability, the nomenclature as well as detection methods and classification of the virus strains are not consistent. This Action creates a network between scientists with expertise in AvCoV. It stimulates cooperation between researchers, fosters harmonization of nomenclature and classification, and facilitates surveillance. In order to achieve this and to cover all important aspects, five interlinked Working Groups are established which deal with Molecular Virology, Serology and Immunology, Clinic and Pathology, Epidemiology and conceptualizing an infrastructure for collaborative research, respectively. Furthermore, a joint website is created where general information on AvCoV, notifications of outbreaks and research results are shared between the COST members. COST is the ideal platform to accomplish the described aims as different research projects concerning AvCoV are currently funded. The COST Action provides the possibility to connect researchers working on the topic and thereby enabling them to use their resources more efficiently. European poultry producers, industry, veterinarians and consumers will benefit from results generated in the course of this Action.
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