International projects source: SICRIS

Maternal Interaction with Gametes and Embryos

Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  21230  PhD Primož Klinc  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  2008 - 2012  110 
2.  07439  PhD Marjan Kosec  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  2008 - 2012  387 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0406  University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty  Ljubljana  1627139  10,673 
The main objective of the Action was to establish a network of European researchers working on different aspects of maternal interaction with gametes and embryo in different species to advance towards creation of a so called Interactome map of cell-to-cell interactions as well as endo- and paracrine interactions between gametes, embryos and female reproductive tract during different stages of reproductive cycle and pregnancy at health and under disturbed maternal nutrition and metabolism. Mechanisms of interactions of gametes or embryos with their maternal environment are important biological filters limiting reproductive success, both in livestock and the human. Although several aspects of the gamete/embryo-maternal interactome have been studied, there is so far no systematic analysis of this biological module. Such an ambitious task can obviously not be fulfilled by an individual laboratory or discipline. Thus the present COST Action aimed at joining laboratories from European member states with excellent expertise in the fields of reproductive biology and biotechnology with state-of-the-art technology and methods in transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and systems biology. The Action intended to promote capacity-building of young researchers in this growing field by providing opportunities for further development and education via providing focused, inter-disciplinary workshops, an inter-disciplinary training school and the creation of working groups for different lines of research among the components of the consortium. This novel approach will further strengthen the already leading position of Europe in the field of reproductive biology and animal production. Knowledge of the gametes/embryo-maternal interactome will facilitate novel approaches for improving the efficiency and safety of assisted reproduction techniques.Further novel molecular markers of fertility will help to improve the fertility of livestock population by genomic selection and thus provide unique competitive advantages to the European animal breeding industry. Finally, this knowledge has cross-disciplinary applications in human health and of immense importance for future public health in European countries.Keywords: Animals, Gametes, Embryo, Maternal communication, Systems Biology
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