Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

The joint project of monographs and special research projects in the field of literary scolarship

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.07.00  Humanities  Literary sciences   

Code Science Field
H390  Humanities  General and comparative literature, literary criticism, literary theory 
H330  Humanities  Dramatic art 
Literary history, literary criticism, comparative literature, intercultural researches, literary typology, literary genres, literary sociology, genealogy and historical situation of literature, literary periods and streams, methodological and ideological pluralism, theory of novel, “novelistic” communication, poetic images.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (20)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  00566  PhD Meta Grosman  Humanities  Researcher  2000 
2.  07325  PhD Anton Janko  Literary sciences  Researcher  1999 - 2000 
3.  06441  PhD Miha Javornik  Literary sciences  Researcher  1999 - 2000 
4.  09445  PhD Nikolaj Jež  Literary sciences  Researcher  2000 
5.  06442  PhD Marko Juvan  Literary sciences  Researcher  1999 - 2000 
6.  01298  PhD Evald Koren  Literary sciences  Researcher  2000 
7.  02390  PhD Janko Kos  Anthropology  Researcher  1996 - 2000 
8.  07130  PhD Vladimir Kralj  Literary sciences  Researcher  1996 - 2000 
9.  09186  Albina Lipovec  Linguistics  Researcher  1996 - 2000 
10.  09261  Alenka Logar-Pleško  Literary sciences  Researcher  1998 - 2000 
11.  09241  PhD Igor Maver  Literary sciences  Researcher  1999 - 2000 
12.  09230  PhD Mira Miladinović Zalaznik  Humanities  Researcher  1996 - 2000 
13.  15227  PhD Uroš Mozetič  Humanities  Researcher  1999 - 2000 
14.  00279  PhD Vladimir Osolnik  Literary sciences  Researcher  1999 - 2000 
15.  07332  PhD Atilij Rakar  Literary sciences  Researcher  2000 
16.  07431  PhD Janez Rotar  Literary sciences  Researcher  2000 
17.  01305  PhD Aleksander Skaza  Literary sciences  Head  2000 
18.  02401  PhD Neva Šlibar  Literary sciences  Researcher  1999 - 2000 
19.  09020  Vera Troha  Literary sciences  Researcher  2000 
20.  02402  PhD Janez Vrečko  Literary sciences  Researcher  2000 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0581  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts  Ljubljana  1627058  15 
. Researches in typology, literary aesthetics, literary genres and sociology of Slovene literature (the synthesis of Slovene poetic culture; the Slovene novel in the 20th century; the problems of novel in Slovene literary history and criticism; the emergence of the antitraditionalist elements and procedures in the Slovene drama from 1918 to the 1986 and their prevalence; the parody). 2. Researches in genealogy and in the historical position of Slovene literature (the beginnings of Slovene literature in Eruropean context; the Slovene literature and the Bible; the relation between Slovene and Southslavonic literatures). 3. Intercultural researches (the factors of multiculturalism as elements of literary education; the intercultural mediation and comprehension of the Slovene, English, American, German and Southslavonic literatures). 4. Comparative researches (the German literary production on Slovene ground in the 18th and 19th centuries; the Italian poetics of the 17th century and their echoes in the earlier Slovene literature; the Polish literature between the two wars and its reception in Slovenia; Southslavonic literary currents and their reception in Slovenia). 5. Researches in literary theory (the synthetical outline of literary theory; methodological and ideological pluralism in contemporary Slovene literary criticism; the poetic images and their translations). 6. The Russian novel and the problems of genre (the novels of N.V. Gogol’, F.M. Dostoevskij and, partly, of A.S. Puškin and their reception in the 20th century; theories of the novel in the Russian formalism, M. Bahtin and the Moscou-Tartu school; the problems of “novelistic” communication). In an direct dialogue with foreign research institutions and researchers the methodology and the results of these researches are compared and verfied. All the results of these researches are reported and available not only to the students on undergraduate level, to those of Master’s and Doctor’s degrees, but also to the expert audience at home and abroad, as well as to the non-expert public.
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