International projects source: SICRIS


Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2933  FAKULTETA ZA TEHNOLOGIJO POLIMEROV (Slovene)  Slovenj Gradec  2250152  2,346 
Know-Man is an INTERREG IVC Project aiming to improve regional development and spatial innovation policies by using tools of regional Knowledge Network Management. With this aim, 15 partners from six European regions have joint their forces to improve the regional cooperation between public authorities, the research community and innovative small and medium sized enterprises. Know-Man implements Knowledge Management instruments (e.g. knowledge atlases, benchmarking, action reviews) to identify and connect regional cross-sectoral and cross institutional knowledge potentials within the participating regions. The focus of this project lies on triple helix structures – the interconnection between public authorities, economic actors represented by technology parks, and academic representatives to create links between regional endogenous potentials in the knowledge economy. Know-Man specifically intends to improve policies in favour of innovative SMEs.
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