International projects source: SICRIS

Anti-MIcrobial Coating Innovations to prevent infectious diseases (AMICI)

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  15647  PhD Klemen Bohinc  Physics  Head  2016 - 2020  517 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0382  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences  LJUBLJANA  1627155  14,734 
Infections and infectious diseases are a continuous threat to human health. According to the European Centre for Disease prevention and Control (ECDC), over 4 million people are estimated to acquire a HealthCare Associated Infection (HCAI). The AMICI-consortium is convinced that new methods, additional or alternatively to an appropriate use of disinfectants and antibiotics, are required to reduce microbial activity, associated infections and the increase of Antimicrobial Resistance.A potential and promising weapon against bacterial growth and possibly the development of multi-drug resistant bacteria has been found in AntiMicrobial (nano)-Coatings (AMC). In coatings fortified with an active ingredient, the ingredient is responsible for the elimination of the micro-organisms.So far, little is known about the effectiveness of AMC application on surfaces, on the prevention of spreading infections and their impact on induction of multi-drug resistant bacteria in healthcare (e.g. hospitals, nursery homes). The presence of active substances in AMC may promote/induce resistance mechanisms which need to be understood. A balanced risk-benefit analysis of widespread application of AMC is needed to guide a 'Safe-by-Design' development and introduction in complicated chains with high demand for compliance such as healthcare.AMICI brings together stakeholders from different countries and disciplines, including knowledge institutes, producers and processors of antimicrobial coatings, and organizations involved in the compliance with international standards on hygiene. The central aim is to evaluate the impact of (introducing) AMC in healthcare on the spread of infections and on the efficacy in fighting HCAI and bacterial resistance to current antibiotics.
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