Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Prions, causative agents of spongiform encephalopathy in animals

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.04.02  Biotechnical sciences  Veterinarian medicine  Animal pathology and epizootiology 

Code Science Field
B750  Biomedical sciences  Veterinary medicine: surgery, physiology, pathology, clinical studies 
B230  Biomedical sciences  Microbiology, bacteriology, virology, mycology 
scrapie, prions, BSE, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, diagnostics, epidemiology
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (10)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  07674  PhD Darja Barlič Maganja  Microbiology and immunology  Researcher  1997 - 1999  436 
2.  08220  PhD Vojislava Bole-Hribovšek  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  1998 - 1999  124 
3.  05088  PhD Manica Černe  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  1997 - 1999  106 
4.  07850  PhD Marinka Drobnič-Košorok  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  1997 - 1999  185 
5.  06570  PhD Jože Grom  Veterinarian medicine  Head  1997 - 1999  316 
6.  08321  PhD Peter Hostnik  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  1997 - 1999  409 
7.  11132  PhD Branko Krt  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  1999  229 
8.  11133  PhD Matjaž Ocepek  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  1997 - 1999  473 
9.  11079  PhD Andrej Pengov  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  1997 - 1999  176 
10.  01644  PhD Milan Pogačnik  Veterinarian medicine  Researcher  1997 - 1999  624 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0406  University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty  Ljubljana  1627139  10,676 
The aim of our research programme is to learn more about biology and molecular level of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) in domestic and wild animals in our circomstances of animal breeding. To know more about scrapie and scrapie associated diseases we need to do a research on biological and molecular level. Besides patohistological post-mortem diagnosis, we will try to develop other methods. Research on cellular and molecular lever will be also important contribution to the similar research in other countries and will help to prove the hypothesis that genomic and enviromental variability of the same disease exists. Results of our research may give an explanation for possible focuses of such disease and to built up our own strategy for prevention of this modern diseases.
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