International projects source: SICRIS

Računalniško opismenjevanje starejših odraslih

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18749  PhD Rok Kostanjšek  Biology  Head  2008 - 2012  482 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0481  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Ljubljana  1626914  67,864 
Fourteen public organizations represent a national adult education consortium in ICT literacy for elderly project. They are all focused on providing long-term support to adults in achieving knowledge, skills and general competencies that an individual needs for successful integration into society, including the development of digital literacy and digital competencies. The future strategic development of all involved organizations is focused in to the development of high quality and EU comparable ICT literacy programs for elderly. Population aging process represents a major challenge for the European Union and all its Member States in all respects, including education and training. Data on adult participation in lifelong learning show that in the European Union as well as in Slovenia, adults of age 50-64 years lag far behind the young employed population. In accordance with that the proposed project aims to improve the skills and qualifications of the adult education staff for the development and implementation of, to the needs and characteristics of older, tailored programs for the development of ICT literacy . The adult education staff will gain knowledge and experience in the field of motivation for participation; education organization and methods that ensure the successful acquisition of ICT competencies of older and adequate content of ICT literacy programs for elderly. One of the main aims of the project is increasing the quality of the involved organizations, which can be achieved only through continuous professional training of staff. The main objectives of the project are to train adult education staff and develop new ICT literacy programs for elderly, adapted to the needs and characteristics of the target group of older and containing EU comparable content and methods of motivation and performance. The project will impact the participants as well as involved organizations and also the target group of older adults. Main activities so in addition to two staff mobility in Germany and Spain also includes the development of 8 new ICT literacy programs for elderly, which will be based on new knowledge and competencies acquired by staff at motilities. The project results will impact: - Participants - adult education staff who will gain knowledge and experience for planning, development and implementation of ICT literacy programs for the elderly, which include inter generational learning methods. - Participating organizations will gain new efficient ICT literacy programs for elderly, which will be used in the implementation of their work programs. - The elderly as a target group of in the project developed new programs, who will gain the opportunity for participation in effective and useful ICT literacy programs. Forty adult education staff members will be included in to the project. Adult education providers will gain new knowledge and skills to design and develop ICT literacy programs for elderly, tailored to the needs and characteristics of elders and new knowledge and experience for motivating ICT illiterate elders for participation. ICT teachers will gain new skills and competencies for adaptation of ICT literacy programs content to the specific needs of older people as extremely heterogeneous target groups and the use of specific (relevant / effective) methods of implementation. All organizations involved in the project will incorporate the project outcomes in their future strategic development. The project results - new ICT literacy programs for elderly will be available to all interested orga
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