Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Synchronous rectifier for high currents in resistance spot welding systems

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.12.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Electric devices  Transformers of power electronics 

Code Science Field
T190  Technological sciences  Electrical engineering 

Code Science Field
2.02  Engineering and Technology  Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering 
Resistance spot welding systems, output synchronous rectifier for high currents, improvement of efficiency, optimization regarding losses
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (20)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  31549  PhD Robert Brezovnik  Electric devices  Researcher  2016 - 2019  51 
2.  24317  PhD Gregor Černivec  Energy engineering  Researcher  2016 - 2017  30 
3.  50249  Nada Despotović  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2017 - 2019 
4.  28148  PhD Klemen Deželak  Energy engineering  Researcher  2016 - 2019  294 
5.  08919  PhD Drago Dolinar  Electric devices  Head  2016 - 2019  630 
6.  14819  PhD Dušan Drevenšek  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2016 - 2019  52 
7.  16119  MSc Matej Gajzer  Electric devices  Researcher  2016 - 2019  42 
8.  50246  Aljaž Goršek  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2017 - 2019 
9.  09479  PhD Bojan Grčar  Energy engineering  Researcher  2016 - 2019  417 
10.  29061  Mitja Hribernik    Technical associate  2016 - 2019  52 
11.  06016  PhD Beno Klopčič  Electric devices  Researcher  2016 - 2017  101 
12.  04445  Rado Lisjak  Mechanical design  Researcher  2016 - 2017  29 
13.  24501  PhD Tine Marčič  Electric devices  Researcher  2017 - 2018  127 
14.  50247  Kvirin Petrač  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2017 - 2019 
15.  33248  PhD Martin Petrun  Electric devices  Researcher  2016 - 2019  136 
16.  09169  PhD Jože Pihler  Electric devices  Researcher  2016 - 2019  945 
17.  18698  PhD Boštjan Polajžer  Electric devices  Researcher  2016 - 2019  280 
18.  08475  PhD Jožef Ritonja  Energy engineering  Researcher  2016 - 2019  384 
19.  31317  PhD Peter Sever  Mechanical design  Researcher  2016 - 2017  19 
20.  10814  PhD Gorazd Štumberger  Electric devices  Researcher  2016 - 2019  982 
Organisations (3)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0796  University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  Maribor  5089638003  27,990 
2.  2526  BOSCH REXROTH, proizvodnja elektromotorjev d.o.o. (Slovene)  Škofja loka  1317709  153 
3.  3778  SOLCEL, družba za trgovino, investicije, storitve in vzdrževanje d.o.o. (Slovene)  Ruše  3865738 
A primary and basic objective of this project is reduction of losses of an output rectifier of a resistance spot welding (RSW) system. We attempt to achieve the goal with development of an output synchronous rectifier (SR). In a case of utilization of SR, proper MOSFET transistors take a role of rectifying diodes. The transistors have significantly low conductivity resistance, hence their application enable significant reduction of rectifying losses in regards to classical diodes.   A second objective of this project is integration of output SR module into the existing RSW systems. The integration will enable improvement of efficiency of the whole RSW system and at the same time reduce a needed quantity of liquid medium, which is used for cooling of the system. Energy required for cooling of the cooling medium will be also reduced.   A third objective of this project is selection of a suitable structure of output SR, which will ensure needed physical and electromagnetic compatibility of developed SR with a welding transformer (TR). The transformer will, in its modified form remain a constitutive part of the RSW system. An important goal of the project will be a test of feasibility of technological implementation of the proposed solution (SR) and a possibility of a more compact practical implementation of the integrated module of the RSW transformer with SR.   A fourth objective is selection of such a structure of output SR that will, with improved symmetry of an electric subsystem also ensure improved symmetry in a magnetic subsystem. This will reflect also into improved control of the entire system for RSW. The proposed project incorporates developmental and research capacities and competences of the Indramat d. o. o. company, University of Maribor and TECES. The development of the completely new product will largely improve energetic efficiency of the RSW process. This welding procedure of joining metal sheets is widely present in numerous industrial processes, such as in production of vehicle bodies in automotive industry.   Company Indramat d. o. o. is also the co-funder and the main user of the solutions of the project. The company belongs to group Bosch – Rexroth, which is also a leading producer of such systems on the global market. The project will also have useful implications on global energy savings.
Significance for science
The project partners are used on to work together as a research team and deal with solving real industrial problems with which company Indramat d.o.o. face on a daily basis. The problems encountered in the company in development of new products are often so complex that they can only be solved with use of scientific research methods. This type of work is managed only by those qualified researchers which own both, a solid theoretical knowledge, as well practical experiences. The project partners have such experiences - see their biography with more than 10 patents and more than 10 patent fillings from the field of RSW systems development. However, the existing cooperation between the project partners is giving a critical amount of the required knowledge if they work together. Therefore, the established cooperation of all kinds, particularly the international one is so important for the transfer and exchange of new scientific knowledge. The cooperation is inevitable for development of sciences at home and in the world. A similar view is shared by researchers in various European countries with which we were able to establish bilateral cooperation. The associates of the programme group established good research cooperation with researchers from research institutions in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, France, Finland, Poland, Greece and USA. The number of publications in quality journals is also increasing, which means that the results being interesting also for a broader international community. All the publications in the quality international journals were based on original innovative solutions. Increased response to the publications in a form of citing them clearly displays the originality, innovation and an advanced level of the proposed solutions. The researchers from the project partners are permanent associates of numerous research groups abroad. Most of the members conducted research work abroad for an extended period of time. Projects were different and so are the benefits of the cooperation. The largest benefit gets an individual as the cooperation in a research group within international research environment enables it scientific growth by means of newly acquired knowledge. An indirect benefit goes to an international professional community. A direct benefit is seized by domestic company Indramat d.o.o.. They are establishing contacts with foreign researchers by exchanging the researchers within the project partner group. The companies are benefiting from their valuable scientific experience and their expensive research infrastructure. The scientific results of the proposed project, achieved through the development of the new output SR and the proposal of its integration in a system for RSW will enable a huge reduction of losses, which means also considerable reduction of electrical energy consumption. Development of new output SR will also enable better integration of input SR in a complex RSW system. These goals will stimulate development of new technologies in the industry, leading to the increase in added value.
Significance for the country
The products of our project partner Indramat d.o.o. are inevitable for social and economical growth of Slovenia due to the industry's vast export orientation. The existence of our partner with which we cooperate is dependent on innovation and quality of proposed solutions in design of novel elements and systems. Search for successful businesses lays in management of their own development of their future products. Into their development, they include competent domestic and foreign researchers as well as infrastructure potential the researchers possess. This is a blueprint for effective development of new hightech products. In this way, researchers from partner organizations in industry interact with the competent researchers from the research institutions. Competent foreign researchers are also included in the work. The proposed project is aligned with and connected to the development objectives of Slovenia on several key areas. These areas are: (1) higher education and research activities, (2) introduction of new hightech products, (3) rational production and use of electrical energy (environmental protection) and (4) science. A success of the approach was already confirmed in the development of the advanced control of RWS system (e. g. a signed contract on long-term cooperation and sales of patent submissions for Bosch Rexroth). In a span of only six years, the associates of the project partners were granted in total of 10 patents and 14 patent submissions were filed in. This is actually the real indicator of innovation level of the proposed project team and their ability to find innovative solutions. Development of new output SR with a planned further integration into the RSW system, will enablel a real energy efficiency optimization of the whole RSW system. Different aspects of the proposed project are important for all three project partners. The most important reason to introduce the advanced output SR into the RSW systems, for Indramat d.o.o as an end user, is much better opportunity on the global market, more working places, etc. The important reason to work on the topic for UM FERI researchers is new obtained knowledge. TECES wants to strengthen its role as a strategic and competent partner of Slovenian companies in the development of innovative electric energy converters, which attain the highest added value on market. Successful industrialization and product marketing will facilitate multiplicative and financial effects of the project, which can certainly be indicated by the number of newly included small enterprises as industry suppliers, higher employment, and in the national budget as well. TECES integrates Slovenian companies and research actors from the branches of electric energy converters (http://www.teces.si) and smart grids (http://www.sure.si), and as such it facilitates an efficient transfer of best practices, knowledge and networking.
Most important scientific results Interim report, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report, final report
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