Organisations source: ARIS

SAVATECH Industrial Rubber and Tyres

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.02.05  Engineering sciences and technologies  Chemical engineering  Polymer engineering 
2.04.03  Engineering sciences and technologies  Materials science and technology  Polymer materials 
2.05.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mechanics  Experimental mechanics 
2.05.03  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mechanics  Numerical modelling 
2.15.04  Engineering sciences and technologies  Metrology  Metrologies in areas 
1.04.05  Natural sciences and mathematics  Chemistry  Analytical chemistry 

Code Science Field
P180  Natural sciences and mathematics  Metrology, physical instrumentation 
P370  Natural sciences and mathematics  Macromolecular chemistry 
P390  Natural sciences and mathematics  Organic chemistry 
T350  Technological sciences  Chemical technology and engineering 
T390  Technological sciences  Polymer technology, biopolymers 

Code Description
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 27, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 26  786  568  21.85 
Scopus 27  784  559  20.7 
Research groups (1)
no. Code Name of group Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. 1858-001  Razvojni inštitut (Slovene)  PhD Boris Kuselj   253 
Researchers (44)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. 29691  Janez Bajželj  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher 
2. 13012  Karmen Banfi-Sernc  Chemistry  Researcher 
3. 12103  Sašo Bedenk  Materials science and technology  Researcher  22 
4. 29689  Tjaša Berden  Textile and leather  Researcher 
5. 17384  Irena Berus    Junior expert or technical associate 
6. 13876  Tone Čerin  Chemical engineering  Junior expert or technical associate 
7. 24810  Jana Černe  Chemical engineering  Researcher 
8. 20594  Nevenka Draksler    Junior expert or technical associate 
9. 02140  MSc Branko Fajdiga  Materials science and technology  Researcher  19 
10. 07770  Alenka Ferkolj-Pertot  Chemistry  Researcher  12 
11. 20599  Dragica Gantar    Junior expert or technical associate 
12. 17414  Nataša Gašperšič    Junior expert or technical associate 
13. 29683  Tomo Gorjanc    Junior expert or technical associate 
14. 17415  Martina Grošelj    Junior expert or technical associate 
15. 17412  Bojana Gubanc    Junior expert or technical associate 
16. 13866  Igor Hafnar  Chemical engineering  Researcher 
17. 29688  Aleš Jereb  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
18. 09084  MSc Andrej Jerele  Chemical engineering  Researcher  26 
19. 25108  Gregor Jerman  Mechanical design  Researcher 
20. 13014  MSc Irena Kadivec-Torkar  Materials science and technology  Researcher  11 
21. 25141  Miran Klančnik    Junior expert or technical associate 
22. 24811  Anton Knapič    Junior expert or technical associate 
23. 24812  Božidar Kordež    Junior expert or technical associate 
24. 13015  Marjeta Kralj-Novak  Materials science and technology  Researcher  31 
25. 29687  Peter Krelj  Mechanics  Researcher 
26. 12567  PhD Boris Kuselj  Chemical engineering  Researcher  54 
27. 20600  Terezija Logar    Junior expert or technical associate 
28. 13845  Magdalena Markež  Materials science and technology  Researcher 
29. 20601  Jana Markuta    Junior expert or technical associate 
30. 13013  Mojca Mekuč  Chemical engineering  Researcher 
31. 17389  Nataša Miklavčič    Junior expert or technical associate 
32. 17387  Nataša Nardoni    Junior expert or technical associate 
33. 25110  Boštjan Novak  Chemical engineering  Researcher 
34. 17409  Romana Ploštajner    Junior expert or technical associate 
35. 25142  Matej Roblek    Junior expert or technical associate 
36. 07769  Boštjan Rus  Chemical engineering  Researcher 
37. 25109  Marko Sajovic  Chemical engineering  Researcher 
38. 29693  Stanislav Slapar  Mechanics  Researcher 
39. 29682  Janez Šifrer    Junior expert or technical associate 
40. 29694  Vlado Štimac  Energy engineering  Researcher 
41. 29690  David Učakar  Chemical engineering  Researcher 
42. 21342  PhD Daniel Vrbanić  Materials science and technology  Researcher  79 
43. 29692  Matej Žinko  Materials science and technology  Researcher 
44. 17394  Andreja Žvan    Junior expert or technical associate 
Research projects (3) Legend
no. Code Title Period Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. J2-7116  Polymer-based nanocomposites  9/1/2005 - 8/31/2008  PhD Majda Žigon   3,553 
2. L2-6460  Clinical paths data mining with soft computing  7/1/2004 - 6/30/2007  PhD Andrej Dobnikar   3,138 
3. L2-6143  Relating the Physical Properties of Polymeric Materials by Parallel Implementation of Soft Computing Methods  7/1/2004 - 6/30/2007  PhD Uroš Lotrič   1,286 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes (3) Legend
no. Code Title Period Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. P2-0145  Polimeri in polimerni materiali s posebnimi lastnostmi (Slovene)  1/1/2009 - 12/31/2014  PhD Ema Žagar   2,669 
2. P1-0030  Razvoj materialov po sol-gel postopkih in njihova uporaba v sistemih za izkoriščanje nekonvencionalnih virov energije (SG-MAT-SYS) (Slovene)  1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008  PhD Boris Orel   3,596 
3. P2-0145  Specialty polymers  1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008  PhD Majda Žigon   2,500 
International projects (2) source: SICRIS
no. Code Title Period Responsible person
1. LLP-ADAM-7336  e-Rubber Validation  1/1/2007 - 12/31/2010   
2. FP6-SUSTDEV-SIM-81502  Safety In Motion  9/1/2006 - 11/30/2009   
R & D Institute (RDI), formaly within the programme Elastomers, is the central R & D and interlinking institution of Savatech d.o.o. industry, intended primarily for development of new products and technologies and investigation of materials. Besides, the endeavor of RDI is directly associated with the improvement of the existing products and optimization of the existing technologies, as well as some other activitities, such as elimination of certain operational difficulties in the production, solution of various ccomplaint problems, problems of quality control, metrology, etc. Due to occupational specifities, RDI consists of four departments. Development projects for new products and technologies, as well as a variety of research projects are carried out in the Research and Development Department - Independent Researchers. Development and Technology Department is primarily engaged in development and optimization of rubber compounds. All the laboratory work is performed in the Central Laboratory, consisting of two specialized laboratories: Physics Laboratory comprising a pilot unit and laboratory for armatures and Chemistry Laboratory. Informational activities are carried out in the Indoc Center with Technical Library. All the RDI''s departments are linked with one another and with Technology Development Units responsible for operative development of individual Savatech''s programmes. RDI employs a larger number of experts of different profiles: physicists, chemists, chemical and mechanical engineers. Presently, four of them possess Ph.D. and four M.Sc. Some RDI workers are qualified to engage in mentorships at students'' practical works, B.Sc. graduation works, probations, M.Sc and Ph.D theses, and this is regularly practiced. Although the research work in Sava is mainly of the applied science or purpose-aimed nature, some fundamental research is occasionally needed to acquire and understand new ideas. As particularly important for Savatech''s development needs, two general research directions were emphasized, namely the field of phenomenological and molecular rheology of polymers and the field of structural characterization of polymers and other relevant materials. The first field, dealing with relations between stresses and strains or strain rates of material, is in practice associated with all phases of polymer (mainly rubber in Savatech) processing, as well as with the properties of finished (vulcanized rubber) products. The second field is essential for understanding the behaviour of materials, since all the physical and chemical properties result from their molecular and morphological structure. Within the frame of the foregoing research directions several concrete R & D projects have been executed, including the three-year fundamental research project entitled Effect of Molecular and Morphological Structure and Additives on the Physical Properties of Elastomers, which was partly subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. Research is presently running on thermoplastic elastomers and polymer blends. All the RDI''s research activities, however, are not associated only with the above-mentioned directions. Investigations are also carried out in the field of thermal properties and transport phenomena in polymers, specifically thermal conduction, gas and liquid permeation and diffusion, electrical properties, as well as certain problems of physical chemistry of polymers. Research work augments also in the field of polymer processing. In the past few years Central Laboratory has also received the control function of rubber compound release, as well as annual control of all raw materials. Although publishing activity is not the primary task of RDI, its workers possess many home and international publications and have actively participated at a number of conferences and symposia. In the past, RDI had for fifteen years published the then Sava''s technical journal Obzornik.
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