Organisations source: ARIS

SIBO GROUP Packaging development and Production LTD

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.10.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Manufacturing technology 
2.10.05  Engineering sciences and technologies  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Industrial engineering 
2.11.03  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mechanical design  Special development know-how 
2.11.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mechanical design  Special constructions know-how 
5.05.00  Social sciences  Law   
5.02.01  Social sciences  Economics  Economy sciences 

Code Science Field
T130  Technological sciences  Production technology 
T150  Technological sciences  Material technology 
S180  Social sciences  Economics, econometrics, economic theory, economic systems, economic policy 
S144  Social sciences  Industrial and commercial law 
S146  Social sciences  Labour law 

Code Description
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Research groups (1)
no. Code Name of group Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. 1713-001  ŠIBO development team  Dragan Gojković  
Researchers (23)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. 52319  Maja Bergant  Economics  Researcher 
2. 27922  Primož Berlec  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher 
3. 55456  Matic Draksler  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
4. 29909  Tamara Ferenc  Economics  Researcher 
5. 38626  Dragan Gojković  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher 
6. 27923  Matjaž Hafner  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
7. 34845  Urška Jelenc  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher 
8. 58256  Žiga Jesenovec  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher 
9. 33532  Aleš Križnar    Junior expert or technical associate 
10. 55457  Aleš Mujdrica  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher 
11. 38565  Darko Pajević  Economics  Researcher 
12. 33535  Janez Pintar    Junior expert or technical associate 
13. 38628  Klemen Pipan  Economics  Researcher 
14. 36181  Tomaž Polajnar  Mechanical design  Researcher 
15. 56173  Vjekoslav Sandić  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher 
16. 22942  Boštjan Šifrar  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
17. 24867  Špela Marija Šifrar  Law  Researcher 
18. 55455  Rok Šolar  Computer science and informatics  Researcher 
19. 30110  Miha Štucin  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
20. 38624  Matevž Šubelj  Geology  Researcher 
21. 57599  Špela Triler  Mechanics  Researcher 
22. 27858  Jasminka Trivunčević  Economics  Researcher 
23. 32953  Nina Zupan  Economics  Researcher 
Research projects (1) Legend
no. Code Title Period Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. L2-8184  Development and implementation of cryogenic machining into serial production industry for increasing productivity of drilling and milling processes  5/1/2017 - 4/30/2020  PhD Franci Pušavec   1,223 
International projects (2) source: SICRIS
no. Code Title Period Responsible person
1. H2020-PRESERVE-232805  High performance sustainable bio-based packaging with tailored end of life and upcycled secondary use  1/1/2021 - 12/31/2024   
2. H2020-EU.  Processing and control of novel nanomaterials in packaging, automotive and solar panel processing lines  10/1/2015 - 9/30/2018   
Today ŠIBO d.o.o., Škofja Loka is one of the fastest growing companies with about 8.2 million DEM invested over the last five years, an increase of 270% in sales and 1,091% in exports. In 1995 the company had 27 employees and today it employs 86 people. The company's fast growth has enabled it to increase its exports from 370,000 DEM in 1995 to 4,367,000 DEM in 2000. The company regularly exports to 17 countries. In the first three months of 2001 the company has already made investments worth 0.9 million DEM, showing continued commitment to growth. In 1995 the company decided to develop two technical and technological areas of production. One segment is self-sealing containers for the pharmaceutical industry, involving very demanding and clean production. All criteria set by Slovenia's two largest pharmaceutical companies, KRKA d.d. and LEK d.d. have been met opening the way to selling packaging for medicines. Another kind of closure is caps for all kinds of tubes. With its in-house development and complicated tooling, the company has entered world markets in self-sealing packaging. Last year alone we designed and made 29 different tools, the smallest being a cluster of 6 tools for producing 8.3 million pieces a year and the biggest a cluster of 64 tools to produce 90 million pieces a year. The other production segment is thermoplastic injection moulding requiring know-how in the car and electrical industries. We specialise in the collector industry where our largest local buyer is Kolektor Idrija. The know-how we have acquired over the last ten years has enabled us to become a direct supplier to SIEMENS. To achieve our goals we must increase our co-operation with the educational institutions, first of all with Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical engineering at both Slovenian universities and acquire young researchers as well as encourage further education of our existing employees.
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