Groups source: ARIS

Raziskovalna skupina Razvojnih področij (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.11.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mechanical design   
2.12.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Electric devices   
Electromotors, vacuum cleaner motors
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 29, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 11  141  102  9.27 
Scopus 14  164  122  8.71 
Researchers (56)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  29246  Primož Bajželj  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
2.  58856  Andrej Benedičič  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
3.  18880  Ludvik Benedičič    Junior expert or technical associate 
4.  35182  Polde Benedik  Electric devices  Researcher 
5.  29695  PhD Marko Bratina  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  10 
6.  18877  Tomaž Cankar    Junior expert or technical associate 
7.  53913  Simon Čemažar  Electric devices  Researcher 
8.  14110  Aleš Čop  Materials science and technology  Researcher  30 
9.  58666  Krištof Čufar  Mechanics  Researcher 
10.  33776  Primož Čufer  Energy engineering  Researcher 
11.  35169  PhD Erik Čuk  Computer science and informatics  Researcher 
12.  35184  Boštjan Demšar    Junior expert or technical associate 
13.  20115  Janez Dolenc    Junior expert or technical associate 
14.  54627  Romana Dolenc  Economics  Researcher 
15.  13085  MSc Sandi Dolenc  Electric devices  Researcher 
16.  27642  Andrej Eržen  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
17.  58857  Manca Eržen  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
18.  53914  Tomaž Furlan  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
19.  29576  PhD Franci Gačnik  Mechanical design  Researcher  29 
20.  55498  Ladi Galjot  Mechanical design  Researcher 
21.  35194  Matej Galjot    Junior expert or technical associate 
22.  58858  Mark Gladek  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
23.  50543  Aleš Grad  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
24.  53916  Blaž Hafner  Economics  Researcher 
25.  53917  Žiga Hafner  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher 
26.  58859  MSc Vasja Jančič  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
27.  37136  Dušan Jaušovec  Mechanical design  Researcher 
28.  27643  Gregor Jelenc  Mechanical design  Researcher 
29.  33672  Štefan Jelovčan    Junior expert or technical associate 
30.  58860  Tim Kankelj  Technology driven physics  Researcher 
31.  50545  Katja Karlin  Economics  Researcher 
32.  53919  Klemen Kavčič  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher 
33.  20097  Uroš Koblar    Junior expert or technical associate 
34.  53920  Benjamin Lampič  Mechanical design  Researcher 
35.  13797  Janez Luznar  Mechanical design  Researcher 
36.  39876  Janez Luznar  Mechanics  Researcher 
37.  58861  Dominik Maleš  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
38.  29253  Robert Mesec  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher 
39.  32120  Borut Mohorič  Mechanical design  Researcher 
40.  27644  David Nastran  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
41.  28154  Marko Novinc  Mechanical design  Researcher 
42.  50550  Jernej Oblak  Mechanics  Researcher 
43.  37120  Miha Ogris  Mechanical design  Researcher 
44.  35192  Anton Ozebek    Junior expert or technical associate 
45.  33673  Matija Pintar    Junior expert or technical associate 
46.  39699  Blaž Potočnik  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
47.  33671  Marko Potočnik  Mechanical design  Researcher 
48.  27645  Andraž Rant  Mechanical design  Researcher 
49.  58864  Matija Rihtaršič  Mechanics  Researcher 
50.  50478  Danijel Rodič  Electric devices  Researcher 
51.  58862  Marko Rovtar  Mechanical design  Researcher 
52.  53922  Andraž Štefanič  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher 
53.  27647  Martin Tolar  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
54.  58863  Tomaž Tomšič  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher 
55.  35181  Primož Vidic  Mechanical design  Researcher 
56.  32845  PhD Gregor Vidmar  Metrology  Researcher  10 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes (3) Legend
no. Code Title Period Head of the group No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  P2-0354  Noise control and its efect on people  1/1/2013 - 12/31/2016  PhD Mirko Čudina  1,949 
2.  P2-0354  Zmanjševanje hrupa in njegovega vpliva na ljudi (Slovene)  1/1/2009 - 12/31/2012  PhD Mirko Čudina  2,120 
3.  P2-0248  IInnovative production systems  1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008  PhD Karl Kuzman  4,198 
Views history