Equipment source: ARIS

Motorised Upright Epifluorescence Microscope

Purpose of equipment
A research-grade, fully motorised upright microscope for examination in transmitted light and reflected light fluorescence. Fully motorised microscope equipped for examination in transmitted light and reflected light fluorescence (i.e. epifluorescence). Equipped with a monochromatic digitally cooled microscope camera and the possibility of automatic image analysis with machine learning and automatic segmentation according to pre-set parameters produced by wizards and with a parameter recall function for reproducibility of experiments.
Access of equipment
Responsible for equipment: PhD Tinkara Tinta
For the access of the equipment contact the equipment administrator.
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0105  National Institute of Biology  Ljubljana  5055784 
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